from our corporate offices to our network engineers and field technicians to our supply chain. we know that the key to delivering innovative, competitive communications services is to have a supply base that’s as diverse as the communities we serve. as part of...
Pomerantz LLP, with offices inNew York,Chicago,Los Angeles,London,Paris, andTel Aviv, is acknowledged as one of the premier firms in the areas of corporate, securities, and antitrust class litigation. Founded by the lateAbr...
9 2016; external investment (from VCs, PE firms, M&A, grants, and seed funding) was around $8 billion to $12 billion (Exhibit 1).7 Exhibit 1 Technology giants dominate investment in AI Investment in AI, 20161 $ billion Internal ...
For example, in a world in which large-scale experimentation is possible, how will corporate marketing functions and activities have to evolve? How will business processes change, and how will companies value and leverage their assets (part...
In her book Global Ciries, Saskia Sassen defines producer services as those who organize economic exchange and "cover financial, legal, and general matters, innovation, development, design administration, personnel, produc- tion technology, maintenance, transport, communications... etc."? Thelocation ...
A triple helix of university-industry-government relations, as the basis of innovation policy, is identified in both statist and laissez-faire regimes. Direct links in the United States among university, industry, and government formed during World War I
57 Playing to win: The new global competition for corporate profits, McKinsey Global Institute, September 2015. 58 Predix is General Electric's software platform for the collection of data from industrial machines. 59...