The article titled "Borders of Violence in Mexico and the United States" is a collection edited by Oswaldo Estrada that brings together established and emerging Mexicanist scholars. Oswaldo Zavala's main article, "Dispossession through Militarization in the Neoliberal Era," argues that the...
Fronteras porosas: el Caso de Mexico y Estados Unidos. Revista Enfoques: Ciencia Politica y Administracion Publica, vol. VI, num. 8, primer semestre, 2008, p.173-191. Disponivel em: . Acesso em: 23 jan. 2015.Rebolledo Flores, Jorge: "Fronteras porosas: el caso de Mexico y Estados...
(2005). Cruzando las fronteras de la comunicacion profesional entre Mexico y los Estados Unidos. The Emerging Hybrid Discourse of Business Communication in a Mexican-U.S. Border Region. Journal of Business Communication, 42(1), 28-50.Ortiz, L. A. (2005). Cruzando las fronteras de la ...
Based on an ethnographic work done on the southern border of Mexico and in Quito, Ecuador we will seek to give some answers to these questions by analyzing the different stages of the transit migration. The study reveals the central role that the networks of coyoteros have, the vulnerability ...