在编译Thingsboard项目时,有时可能会遇到Failed to execute goal com.github.eirslett1.12.0:yarn (yarn install)的问题。这个问题通常是由于本地安装的yarn版本与项目要求的版本不一致,或者由于缓存问题导致的。下面是一些解决该问题的步骤:步骤一:检查yarn版本首先,检查本地安装的yarn版本是否与项目要求的版本一致。可...
frontend-maven-plugin:1.12.1:install-node-and-yarn: Downloadinghttps://mirrors.huaweicloud.com/yarn/v1.22.19/yarn-v1.22.19.tar.gzto /opt/maven/apache-maven-3.8.1/myrepository/com/github/eirslett/yarn/1.22.19/yarn-1.22.19.tar.gz [INFO] No proxies configured [INFO] No proxy was configur...
[ERROR] Failed to execute goal com.github.eirslett:frontend-maven-plugin:1.3:yarn (yarn install) on project service-framework: Failed to run task: 'yarn install' failed. (error code 1) -> [Help 1] [ERROR] [ERROR] To see the full stack trace of the errors, re-run Maven with the -...
我选择后者。 报错: Failed to execute goal com.github.eirslett:frontend-maven-plugin:1.11.3:yarn (yarn install) on project rocketmq-dashboard: Failed to run task: ‘yarn install’ failed. org.apache.commons.exec.ExecuteException: Process exited with an error: 1 (Exit value: 1) -> [Help 1...
frontend-maven-plugin为项目本地下载/安装Node和NPM,运行npm install命令 。 它适用于Windows,OS X和Linux。 这个插件也可以下载Node和Yarn, 然后运行yarn install你的项目。 使用这个插件目的: 让你的前端和后端版本尽可能分开,通过减少它们之间的交互量到最低限度; 仅使用1个插件。
frontend-maven-plugin为项目本地下载/安装Node和NPM,运行npm install命令 。 它适用于Windows,OS X和Linux。 这个插件也可以下载Node和Yarn, 然后运行yarn install你的项目。 使用这个插件目的: 让你的前端和后端版本尽可能分开,通过减少它们之间的交互量到最低限度; 仅使用1个插件。
frontend-maven-plugin为项⽬本地下载/安装Node和NPM,运⾏npm install命令。它适⽤于Windows,OS X和Linux。这个插件也可以下载Node和Yarn,然后运⾏yarn install你的项⽬。使⽤这个插件⽬的:让你的前端和后端版本尽可能分开,通过减少它们之间的交互量到最低限度; 仅使⽤1个插件。让您在构建过程中...
报错: Failed to execute goal com.github.eirslett:frontend-maven-plugin:1.11.3:yarn (yarn install) on project rocketmq-dashboard: Failed to run task: ‘yarn install’ failed. org.apache.commons.exec.ExecuteException: Process exited with an error: 1 (Exit value: 1) -> [Help 1] 解决方案:...
<execution> <!-- optional: you don't really need execution ids, but it looks nice in your build log. --> <id>install node and yarn</id> <goals> <goal>install-node-and-yarn</goal> </goals> <!-- optional: default phase is "generate-resources" --> <phase>generate-resources</...
error on line 2 at column 6: XML declaration allowed only at the start of the document Below is a rendering of the page up to the first error. 提示信息是头部有错误,我登录后台查看我修改过的页面,然后找到home.php我看了十几分钟没有发现那里有错误~~ 莫非头部不能有空格? 去掉试试 ...