Using color Doppler ultrasonography, we studied 328 extracranial carotid arteries of white male and females over 35 year old, with normal blood pressure, non-smokers and free of the main diseases make up the risk factors for cardiovascular diseases. They were stratified, according to the level of...
aFrom front to back, structures occupying the thoracic inlet include the right and left brachiocephalic veins (which join behind the right side of the manubrium to form the SVC), the common carotid arteries (lying immediately anterior to the subclavian arteries and medial to the subclavian veins...
The field of view (FOV) was 2 cm × 2 cm, and a 256 × 256 × 128 matrix was employed, yielding a voxel resolution 78 × 78 × 156 µm; flip angle (FA) was 20°; one excitation). The carotid arteries were identified in the scout view of the ...
Long-term exposure to air pollution and atherosclerosis in the carotid arteries in the Malmö diet and cancer cohort. Environ Res. 2020;191:110095. doi:10.1016/j. envres.2020.110095 23. Medina S, Plasencia A, Ballester F, Mücke HG, Schwartz J; Apheis group. Apheis: public health ...
2 mL/ side; 0.1 mL/ bolus Subcutaneous Insertion points at mandibular angle and jowl (or prejowl sulcus) Avoid facial, external carotid arteries, parotid gland and facial veins. Between chin and mandibular angle inject subcutaneous avoided as they can accentuate the boundary between the different ...
≥50% of at least one coronary artery on coronary angiogram or coronary com- puted tomography angiography, history of ischemic stroke or transient ischemic attack assumed not to be secondary to atrial fibrillation, carotid artery stenosis ≥50%, or a clinical diagnosis of peripheral artery disease....
(G) Tying of the sutures is performed outside the aorta at the level of the three commissures. (H) Final view of the supraanular, subcoronary continuous suture line from inside the aorta. (I) Final view from outside the aorta with demonstration of a maximized central and homogeneous flow...
This event seems to mirror the intervention of the baroreceptors.4 The baroreceptors located in the carotid body and in the area of the aortic arch, in the adventitia of the vessels, are structures that activate particularly, thanks to mechanical stimuli, for instance, when the vessels are ...
CES is caused by embolization of cholesterol crystals (CCs) from athero- sclerotic plaques located in the major arteries, and is induced mostly iatrogenically by interven- tional and surgical procedures; however, it may also occur spontaneously. Embolized CCs lead to both ischemic and inflammatory ...
Long-term MRI tracking of dual-labeled adipose-derived stem cells homing into mouse carotid artery injury. Int J Nanomedicine. 2012;7:5191–5203. 18. Oswald J, Boxberger S, Jørgensen B, et al. Mesenchymal stem cells can be differentiated into endothelial cells in vitro. Stem Cells. ...