The vagina makes sounds when air moves rapidly through the opening with pressure changes from the top, around, within, or the bottom of the vagina. The vaginal canal connects the vulvar opening at the bottom and the uterine cervix at the top. The walls of the vagina move with pelvic and ...
Narrow part of the implant is a continuation of the base part, narrowed to 2 cm, the wide part of the implant is placed between the posterior wall of the bladder and the pelvic fascia within the boundaries from the internal opening of the urethra to the cervix, and the protruding distal ...
Excessive apoptosis is the main way for PDT to exert its anti-cancer effect, which depends mainly on the mitochondrial apoptosis pathway.31 The deposition of PSs in mitochondria can stimulate the irreversible over-opening of mitochondrial permeability transition pore (MPTP), leading to the release ...
Finally, a separated placenta may be trapped or incarcerated due to closure of the cervix prior to deliv- ery of the placenta.2,8–10 Placental hypoperfusion disor- ders, such as with preeclampsia, and infection have also been proposed as mechanisms for retained placenta, although little is ...