In 2020, Israel introduced front-of-pack labeling (FOPL), marking unhealthy foods high in sugar/salt/saturated fat in red and Mediterranean diet-conforming foods in green, aiming to facilitate healthy choices through clear nutrition information. METHODS. Two cross-sectional telephone surveys assessed...
Front-of-pack nutrition labelling (FoPL) of packaged foods can promote healthier diets. Australia & New Zealand (NZ) adopted the voluntary Health Star Rating (HSR) scheme in 2014. We studied the impact of voluntary adoption of HSR on food reformulation overall, and for more- versus less-...
Han, "785 backpack vs. front-back pack: Differential effects of load on walking posture," Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, vol. 26, no. 5, 1994.Harman, E.A., P.N. Frykman, J.J. Knapik, and K.H. Han. Backpack vs. front-back pack: differential effects of load on ...
26(5 Supplement): p. S140.Frykman PN, Harman EA, Knapik JJ and Han KH (1994). Backpack vs front-back pack: differential effects of fatigue on loaded walking posture. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 26(5): S140.Frykman, P.N., E.A. Harman, J.J. Knapik, and K....
nutritional labelling;front-of-pack label;comprehension;randomised controlled experiment;nutrition policy 1. Introduction Front-of-pack labels (FOPLs) are simplified nutritional labels that are displayed on the front of food- and drink-product packaging. The aim of FOPLs is to provide simple and eas...