对于import子句后的名称1、先查from子句导入的模块是否具有该名称的属性2、如果不是,则尝试导入该名称的子模块3、还没有找到,则抛出ImportError异常4、这个名称保存到本地名词空间中,如果有as子句,则使用as子句后的名称frompathlibimportPath#导入类Pathprint(Path, id(Path))importpathlib as pl#导入模块使用别名prin...
from os import path, utime from sys import exit from time import mktime from zipfile import ZipFile def unzip(zipfile, outDirectory): dirs = {} with ZipFile(zipfile, 'r') as z: for f in z.infolist(): name, date_time = f.filename, f.date_time name = path.join(outDirectory,...
import sys sys.path.append("my_package.zip") from my_package import my_code To test this, I downloaded optbinning 0.19.0 package from PyPi, extracted all files, then zipped the folder with __init__.py file inside and named my file as optbinning_dwnl.zip. Now, if I try to load p...
> > > 注意:搜索时按照sys.path中从左到右的顺序查找,位于前的优先被查找,sys.path中还可能包含.zip归档文件和.egg文件,python会把.zip归档文件当成一个目录去处理, #首先制作归档文件:zip module.zip foo.py bar.py import sys sys.path.append('module.zip') import foo,bar #也可以使用zip中目录结构的...
# 查看sys.path内容# import sys# print(sys.path)# 添加b.py所在的路径到sys.path中# import sys# sys.path.append(r'D:\Program Files (x86)\DjangoProjects\basic\day15\bbb')# import bb# print(bb.a) # 输出的结果为:get it# # 使用相对位置找到bbb文件夹中的bb# print(__file__) # 获取...
I'm not sure if this is the result of a recent change in google drive or related to my platform, or what. Either way it would be really nice if a more meaningful error could be presented on theBadZipFilefile exception. Since this relies on the response from google drive, which is li...
System.IO.Compression.ZipFile.dll Archives a file by compressing it and adding it to the zip archive. Overloads Expand table CreateEntryFromFile(ZipArchive, String, String) Archives a file by compressing it and adding it to the zip archive. ...
和便利时。如使用from io.drivers import zip要比使用import iodrivers.zip更加方便。 循环嵌套导入问题 例子: # filename c1.pyfromc2importgdefx():pass# filename c2.pyfromc1importxdefg():pass 像上边的两个文件,无论运行哪一个,都会报出ImportError的错误。解析如下: ...
c# Zip file extract and overwrite C#-Changing the text of a label on another Form- C# C#-select data from Access C#, forms do not display C#: ALT+F4 C#: can we export icon/image into csv file? C#: Declaring structs with override methods? C#: Deleting an open file in Dispose method...
This module also allows an item of sys.path to be a string naming a ZIP file archive. The ZIP archive can contain a subdirectory structure to support package imports, and a path within the archive can be specified to only import from a subdirectory. For example, the path example.zip/lib...