Kevin Dick, My motto is “Good economists don’t make predictions, they infer market predictions.” But I see your point. I am arguing the market predicts better than individuals, even expert individuals. I have been on record from the beginning noting that the markets don’t currently predic...
GBPBritish Pound Sterling (GBP) CADCanadian Dollar (CAD) SGDSingapore Dollars (SGD) USDUS Dollar (USD) DZDAlgerian Dinar (DZD) AUDAustralian Dollar (AUD) BHDBahraini Dinar (BHD) BOBBolivian Boliviano (BOB) BWPBotswanan Pula (BWP) BRLBrazilian Real (BRL) BNDBrunei Dollar (BND) BGNBulgarian...
The scale of this market can well be demonstrated by the fact that some of these companies have a minimum order limit of 200 kg of "20E" or rather C. arachnoidea extract, and, depending on the purity, the price can be as low as around 10–20 USD per kg. Based on information ...
The scale of this market can well be demonstrated by the fact that some of these companies have a minimum order limit of 200 kg of "20E" or rather C. arachnoidea extract, and, depending on the purity, the price can be as low as around 10–20 USD per kg. Based on information ...
(5) Five currencies (i.e., CNY, PAB, VND, AED, and EGP) always connect to USD as their center. There are two possible origins to explain the connections: on the one hand, the country is one of the main trading partners of America or the opposite, such as China; on the other ...
, CNY, PAB, VND, AED, and EGP) always connect to USD as their center. There are two possible origins to explain the connections: on the one hand, the country is one of the main trading partners of America or the opposite, such as China; on the other hand, the currency may be ...
IInnddeeeedd,, tthhee glloobbaall mmaarrkkeett ffoorr AACC iiss ggrroowwiinngg,, aanndd it is expected to be worth up to USD 7 billion by 2028 [63]. FFrroomm aa business point off viiew, the use of AC is of iinntteerreesstt bbeeccaauussee rreellaatteedd llooww--ccoosstt a...