Simulation is a synonym of “the virtual” that carries special connotations (Baudrillard, 2003 [2000]). Chalmers’ definition of “simulation realism” (2022) closely approximates Baudrillardian simulation. According to the British philosopher John Gray (2007, ch. 1), “If we seek to understand... At that time, eBird (probably the most relevant current online source today) did not cover the majority of the countries within our study region, and our intention with the deposition of this dataset is to focus on...
Usually religiously inspired and small scale, they developed a particular philosophy of care which later motivated others, from the middle of the twentieth century onwards. Indeed some of the homes survived as institutions and made the transition into the world of modern hospice and palliative care....
An adequate capacity of transfiguration on the iconic level is thereby expected of them, thus leading necessarily to desig- nate their own body as an expressive medium and the face as a (new) mask.9 As a result, from the second half of the nineteenth century onwards, a proper process of...
So much for legend. What’s clear is that saffron arrived in England (and by this time Cornwall was part of England), and from the fourteenth century onwards it was an important commodity. It was used in dying, in cooking, and in medicines, and (sorry to repeat myself) it was and ...
From the seventh month onwards the gestating woman is advised to have a routine massaging of her breast areola with “sandal and lotus stalk paste,” and during the ninth month she is advised lubrication of the vagina, the genital tract and the “seat of the foetus” with “oil cooked ...
Theology, Anti-Theology and Atheology 307 within an introspectionist, thinly theistic mental science paradigm was trans- formed into the atheological, sometimes anti-theological, secular psycho- logical concept of emotions that was to dominate from the 1850s onwards. There is only space here to ...
This is what happened after the European colonial expansion in America from the end of the 15th century onwards [35], where diseases that were well known in Europe but that were absent in the New World wiped out indigenous populations to the point of near extinction and brought down entire ...
key-learningis a synonym for competence. It is defined (SEP2017b) as “knowledge, practices, abilities, attitudes and fundamental values that contribute substantially to the integral growth of the student”. Key learnings or competences are to be specifically developed through schooling and “if ...