To assist investors and small earners, the Turkish government approved the investment program in 2021, which was signed by Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, and stipulated the allocation of 138.3 billion TL (the dollar exchange rate at the time was about 7.5 TL) to implement 3,091 ...
[1995]. We havediscussedthe evidencefrom numerical withintherange20 - 40f•i, andright-handepdolarization. simulationasndlineartheoryin favorof a scenariwo here Theypropagatuepstreamfromtheshockobliquelyto the theupstreamwhistlersaregeneratedby thereflectedpro- magnetifcieldat anglesfrom10ø to 50...
(c) Regression of FFTTL on TRKL based on common regression lines among four morphotypes (dotted line). (d) Histogram of residuals from (c). Vertical legs from data points to respective regression lines are residuals. The use of common regression illuminates bimodal distribution of the residuals...
TL: Tibia Length; TMLD: Midshaft Mediolateral Diameter of the Tibia; TSL: Tibial tuberosity Length; MC3L: Metacarpal 3 Maximum Length; Mph3p: Maximum Length of Proximal phalanx 3; Mph3t: Maximum Length of Phalanx 3 of the forelimb; MT3L: Maximum Length of Metatarsal 3; PPh3t: Maximum ...
The COVID-19 pandemic has increased the use of disposable plastics, including medical masks, which have become a necessity in our daily lives. As these are often improperly disposed of, they represent an important potential source of microplastics in the
ThesimultaneousadsorptjonsystemswereconfirmedtobehelpfuItotheseIectlveadsorptiontowards1.naphthoIaccordinqtotheIarger seIectiveindex. Keywords:macrore“cu|aradso巾ent;adsorp廿on;l—naphthoI;1一naphthyIamine;cooperativee仃ect IntroductiOn Dif亿rento职aniceompoundsarecommonlvfoundin contaminatedwater.Amongthese...
where 𝑐𝑝𝑟𝑖𝑐cpric is the cost of the electricity in kW per hour, which is taken as 0.07 $/kWh (1 US Dolar:13.8 Turkish Lira, TL). 4. Results and Discussion Within the scope of this study, a combined KC and ORC system was created to regain the waste heat energy of th...
The use of RO to remove emerging micropollutants following CAS/UF or MBR treatment of municipal wastewater. Desalination 2011, 273, 142–147. [CrossRef] 20. Dolar, D.; Gros, M.; Rodriguez-Mozaz, S.; Barcelo, D. Removal of emerging contaminants from municipal wastewater with an integrated ...
(E),xiptecraimnebnet 1s)e,eint ctahnabt,edseuernintghatth, eduernintigrethUeVen/tcirheloUrVin/cehAloOrinPeeAxOpePreimxpeenrtim, aendto, saadgoesaogfeabout 7 mgo/fLawboaustr7eqmugir/Ledwtaosorbetqauinireadctoonocbentatirnataiocnonocfe3ntmragti/oLn FoAf 3Cming/tLheFAUCVicnhtahme bUeVr ...