Leur signification dans le métamor- phisme régional. Bulletin de la Société Française de Minéralogie et de Cristallographie 100, 302–309. Hill, W. T., Morris, R. G. & Hagegeorge, C. G. 1971: Ore controls and related sedimentary features at the Flat Gap mine, Treadway, ...
According to the genetic mechanism, it can be subdivided into faulting slope-break, flexure slope break and erosional slope break. In the high stand slope breaks, the erosional one dominates, which controls the formation of depositional systems of braided river and deltaic plain as well as the ...
2007. Geochemical characteristics and tectonic signification of metabasic volcanic rocks in tectonic belt of northern margin of Yunkai block, southeastern Guangxi[J]. Geochimica, 36(3):311-322(in Chinese with English abstract). Google Scholar Richards J P. 2003. Tectono-magmatic precursors for...
(1973). Des tectoniques superpose´es et leur signification par rapport aux mode`les ge´ophysiques: L´ exemple des Dinarides; paleote´ctonique, te´ctonique, tardite´ctonique, neote´ctonique. Bul- letin de la Socie´te´ ge´ologique de France 7e`me Se´rie, 15...
The new world of words, or, A general English dictionary : containing the proper significations and etymologies of all words derived from other languages ... : together with the definitions of all those terms that conduce to the understanding of any of the arts and sciences ... : to which...
We know that אָב had a very extended signification.] Keil and Bahr, however, think that we have a reference to some war in the reign of Omri (cf. 1 Kings 16:27), which is not recorded in Scripture. And the words which follow make this extremely probable, inasmuch as in ...
“It’s a frozen splash of sea water. Or a smoke signal. Some people say it looks like Mickey Mouse with an erection. I don’t really care. Any meaning or association might be wrong or not: the more you find, the better.” This amorphousness of signification mirrors the broader ...
Amadou Jomworo Bary16 was born in the Masina, to a family established in Penga, a large village situated on an affluent of the Bani River; the village serves as a port to the ancient city of Dia. He received his education in the Masina. As an adult, he made regular trips between ...
technology to a different ore. Silver and antimony were used to cast several types of ornamental beads. Importantly, the mid-fourth millennium technological outburst was accompanied by crucial developments in the signification of metals, which first entered the funerary domain as markers of gender, ...
Many societal and environmental changes occurred between the 2nd millennium BC and the middle of the 2nd millennium AD in western Africa. Key amongst these