Currently SDG 8 covers the decency of work in sub-goals 8.7 (anti-slavery) and 8.8 (labour standards). However, sub-goal 8.8 does not discuss which types of work are societally needed if work needs to be limited due to its environmental and societal impacts – as Bohnenberger also explain...
“You do not know how I dread to go into the candle-factory to make it my business for life,” he said to his mother. “I feel worse and worse about it.” “We are all sorry that you are obliged to do it,” replied Mrs. ...
‘bottom-up’ approach, the documentary evidence for persecution from both the Christian and the Roman sides, the various punishments that were meted out to Christians and the differences between the reality of persecution and the memory of it. We also discuss the significance of James’ work ...
Cameron, Christopher, To Plead Our Own Cause: African Americans in Massachusetts and the Making of the Antislavery Movement, Kent: Kent State University Press, 2014. Carlyle, Thomas, The Early Kings of Norway: Also an Essay on the Portraits of John Knox, London: Chapman & Hall, 1875. Carly...
as it has swiftly approached evil slavery, which arouses civil discord and drowsing war, war that destroys the lovely youth of many; for from its enemies the much-loved city is swiftly corroded in conspiracies dear to the unjust. These are evils that distort the people; and of the poor ...
Furthermore, the physician’s ethical stance did not come from an understanding of natural law (nomos physis) and even endorses slavery (Politics I. 5.1254a, 14–18), but then from the asclepiad concept of sanctity, the idea that the treatment of people should be done with equality of ...