288 Songs from Shakespeare by:TomorrowJU 1.4万 stories from bj by:Natalie_r6 1369 From The Bookshelf by:听友32685135 1.1万 Beast from East by:课桌小鬼 7.5万 drops from heaven by:宝座活泉_浸泡音乐 1.7万 something from nothing by:辣妈婴幼儿英语启蒙 ...
From Problems to Solutions;Look at the two photos and the title, guess what the text is mainly about. Title: From problems to solutions ;Keys: The text is about some problems about some cultural relics and the solutions to solve the problems. ; ;;2. Why did the proposal lead to ...
FROMPROBLEMSTOSOLUTIONS 阿斯旺水坝地处于埃及境内的尼罗(Nile)河干流上,在首都开罗以南约800km的阿斯旺城附近,是一座大型综合利用水利枢纽工程,具有灌溉、发电、防洪、航运、旅游、水产等多种效益。pre-reading 面向尼罗河的拉美西斯二世神庙,堪称众多埃及神庙中最富想象力的一座。神庙建于3300年前——确切地说是“开凿...
from problems to solutions高一英语必修二第一单元课件(一) 教学内容 从问题到解决方案:高一英语必修二第一单元课件 教学准备 •课件制作软件(如PowerPoint、Keynote等) •电脑或投影仪 •教学素材(单元教材、课文和相关练习) •白板和马克笔 教学目标 •帮助学生理解第一单元的主要内容 •培养学生解决问题...
1. Based on the text, try to conclude the general process of solving problems. 【设计意图】在学生梳理完文本信息和篇章结构后,教师引导学生回到埃及政府解决问题的整个过程(5步骤),然后要求学生基于此,小组讨论解决问题的一般步骤(举...
高中英语必修二思维导图 Unit 1 人与自然 Part 1 Listening - Natural disasters - The human impact on nature - Climate change Part 2 Speaking - Discussing environmental issues - Expressing opinions on protecting the environment - Offering solutions to environmental problems Part 3 Reading - Environmental...
新人教版高中英语必修二 Unit1 From problems to solutions课文逐句讲解 必修二 unit1Cultural Heritage From Problems to Sol 摘要 from problems to solutions板书设计 高一from problems to solutions思维导图 from problems to solutions教学设计 fromproblemstosolutions教学设计 from problems to solutions 教...
在高中英语阅读教学中实践英语学习活动观——以文本“From Problems To Solutions”教学设计为例.doc,在高中英语阅读教学中实践英语学习活动观——以文本“From Problems To Solutions”教学设计为例 作者:林少君 来源:《新教育(中旬)》 2020年第11期 海南师范大学附属
新人教版必修二 Unit1 Reading-From Problems to Solutions.pptx,From Problems to Solutions;Warming-up ;; 1. Why did the proposal lead to protests?; 3. How did UN deal with this problem?; 4. How were the cultural relics saved?; 6. Does the writer mainly want
九上英语-unit4-from-shy-girl-to-pop-star-公开课讲课教案 热度: FROMPROBLEMSTOSOLUTIONS ReadingandThinking教学设计 一、教学内容 主题语境:人与社会---历史、社会与文化 二、文本分析 语篇类型:叙事性文本“FROMPROBLEMSTOSOLUTIONS” 语篇研读:本文是一篇记述事件发展的叙事文本,一共六个自然段。作者按照时间...