paddlex库中的transforms模块提供了一系列用于数据预处理和增强的函数。你可以通过以下代码从paddlex库中导入它: python from paddlex import transforms as T 在这里,我给transforms模块指定了一个别名T,以便在代码中更简洁地引用它。当然,你也可以选择其他你喜欢的别名,或者使用完整的模块名transforms。 综上所述,...
PaddleX 官方镜像中已经内置了 PaddlePaddle、PaddleX,无需单独安装,获取 Docker 镜像并启动容器即可使用。 PaddleX 官方镜像中已经内置了 PaddlePaddle、PaddleX,并配置好了相应的CUDA环境,无需单独安装,获取 Docker 镜像并启动容器即可使用。 参考下述命令,使用 PaddleX 官方 Docker 镜像,创建一个名为 `paddlex` 的...
- train_data/XFUND/zh_val/xfun_normalize_val.json transforms: - DecodeImage: # load image img_mode: RGB channel_first: False - VQATokenLabelEncode: # Class handling label contains_re: True algorithm: *algorithm class_path: *class_path - VQATokenPad: max_seq_len: *max_seq_len return...
Download finished Cache file /home/aistudio/.cache/paddle/dataset/mnist/t10k-labels-idx1-ubyte.gz not found, downloading Begin to download Download finished shape of X: (10000, 32, 32), y: (10000,) ...
importsyssys.path.append("./work")importpaddleimportpickleaspkimportnumpyasnpimportmatplotlib.pyplotaspltfrommodelimportLatentModulatedSiren# 这个就是我们的模型F_thetafromutilsimportget_coordinate_grid%matplotlibinline/opt/conda/envs/python35-paddle120-env/lib/python3.7/site-packages/matplotlib/__init...
PS4 controller gets weird $30 paddle attachmentThe DualShock 4 gets a weird attachment that transforms it into a budget Elite controller.Dec 17, 2019 4:12 PM CST Fortnite gets into the Star Wars hype, lightsabers are now in the gameAnd now players are throwing weapons down for one-on-on...
Paddle is an analytics platform that measures user actions rather than page views. An action can be anything a user does: reviewing a product, playing a level on a mobile game, making a purchase on your site, anything. Paddle's ability to work with custom events AND custom data is what ...
utils.utility import check_install import as scio from PIL import Image import as transforms from ppocr.utils.utility import check_install class RandomScale(): def __init__(self, short_size=640, **kwargs): 12 changes: 5 additions & 7 deletions 12 ppocr/...
paddlehub A toolkit for managing pretrained models of PaddlePaddle and helping user getting started with transfer learning more efficiently. 15 functorch JAX-like composable function transforms for PyTorch 15 torchmetrics PyTorch native Metrics 15 commentjson Add Python and JavaScript style comments in yo...
@@ -108,20 +112,21 @@ paddlex.cls.transforms.RandomDistort(brightness_range=0.9, brightness_prob=0.5, 以一定的概率对图像进行随机像素内容变换,模型训练时的数据增强操作。 1. 对变换的操作顺序进行随机化操作。 2. 按照1中的顺序以一定的概率对图像在范围[-range, range]内进行随机像素内容变换。