A database migration from Oracle to PostgreSQL could fail with the following errors preventing the migration from succeeding. Problem Database migration from Oracle to Postgres fails and the following is found in theatlassian-fisheye-YYYY-MM-DD.log: ...
There are several ways to import Oracle data into PostgreSQL. Here we will discuss a few of the methods that are well proven and most popular. Method 1: Ora2Pg As the name suggests, Ora2Pg is used to migrate Oracle objects into PostgreSQL. This tool will connect to an Oracle database ...
The behavior is the same as before when extra_float_digits is set to zero or less. postgres=# set extra_float_digits to 0; SET postgres=# select 0.1::double precision + 0.2 as value; value --- 0.3 (1 row) Oracle NUMBER and PostgreSQL NUMERIC In Oracle, the NUMBER data type is def...
In the following sections, we show the step-by-step conversion of JSON-based SQL queries from Oracle to PostgreSQL. We use the following sample JSON data in our examples: { "metadata" : { "upperLastNameFirstName" : "ABC XYZ", "upperEmailAddress" : "abc@example.com", "profileTy...
Database-level permissions: Log in to the postgres base database as user root or user DATABASE with the Sysadmin role, and grant the CREATE and CONNECT permissions to user DATABASE. Statement: GRANT CREATE, CONNECT ON DATABASE <database> TO <user> Schema-level permission: Log in to the...
Oracle Database - Enterprise Edition - Version to [Release 11.2 to 12.2]Information in this document applies to any platform.SymptomsWhen using Database Gateway for ODBC (DG4ODBC) to connect to a Postgresql database using a Postgres ODBC connection the following error is encou...
Database-level permissions: Log in to the postgres base database as user root or user DATABASE with the Sysadmin role, and grant the CREATE and CONNECT permissions to user DATABASE. Statement: GRANT CREATE, CONNECT ON DATABASE <database> TO <user> Schema-level permission: Log in to the...
8. Sequences.Both PostgreSQL and Oracle support sequences. Once the sequence is created, PostgreSQL may use it to get incremented values as follows: nextval('sequence_name'::regclass) Oracle uses similar syntax with some variation: sequence_name.NEXTVAL ...
For example, this could include entries like singleserver.example.com,, or a PostgreSQL FQDN such as singleserver.postgres.database.azure.com, if the custom DNS server contains the DNS zone postgres.database.azure.com or forwards queries for this zone to, where the ...
PostgreSQL子查询别名改造(兼容Oracle) 在PostgreSQL中子查询必须得加上别名,即使我们在其它地方不会再引用到这个别名。 否则便会报以下错误: 1 postgres=# select * from (select * from t1 limit 5); 2 ERROR: subquery in FROM must have an alias...