from src.trainer import train_callback, generate_init_weight from src.dataset import MyDatasettrain_data = MyDataset(args) args.vocab_size = train_data.vocab_size from src.rwkvLinear import LORA_CONFIG, LoraLinear, BONE_CONFIG from src.model import RWKV...
(odmdev) [user:/code] master+*± ./ --project-path /datasets mydataset If you have questions, join the developer's chat at Try to keep commits clean and simple Submit a pull request with detailed changes and test results ...
\myDB.mdb") Dim cmd As OleDbCommand = New OleDbCommand("SELECT * FROM Table1", con) con.Open() Dim myDA As OleDbDataAdapter = New OleDbDataAdapter(cmd) Dim myDataSet As DataSet = New DataSet() myDA.Fill(myDataSet, "MyTable") DataGridView1.DataSource = myDataSet.Tables("MyTable")....
(odmdev) [user:/code] master+* ± ./ --project-path /datasets mydataset If you have questions, join the developer's chat at Try to keep commits clean and simple Submit a pull request with detailed changes and test results...
("select * from mytable", myConnection) Dim ds As New DataSet() myCommand.Fill(ds, "myDataset") myDataGrid.DataSource = myDataset myDataGrid.DataBind() End Sub <%--- outputting the resutlt ---%> <asp:DataGrid id="myDataGrid" runat="server" /> In PHP, your query result is s...
repo_base = "/Workspace/Repos/me@my.domain/" import sys, os sys.path.append(repo_base) import mlflow import my_package as mp train, simulation = mp.split_train_and_simulation_dataset( full_dataset=spark.table("mydb.mydataset") ) classification_model = mp.train_cla...
string n1 = myDataSet.Tables["Students"].Rows[0]["StudentName"]; // untyped string n2 = myDataSet.Students[0].StudentName; // strongly typed There are several benefits to using strongly typed DataSet objects: The code required to access fields is more readable and compact. The Intelli...
data.dataset' to string Cannot implicitly convert type 'double' to 'string' Cannot implicitly convert type 'int' to 'string' Cannot implicitly convert type 'int' to 'System.DateTime' cannot implicitly convert type 'string' to 'bool' Cannot implicitly convert type 'string' to 'byte[]' cannot...
The syntax is cumbersome, relying on DataSet and DataTable objects (which are part of ADO.NET) to handle data manipulation. Code such as the following in C# shows you how ugly it can be: int someValue = (int)myDataSet.Tables["MyTable"].Rows [currentRow] ["SomeColumn"]; Many good ...
However, how do I get this field into the corresponding record in the "newdb:loan-file" dataset? The one thing I wasn't sure of with the $LOOKUP is that the comparison needs to be on both the ACCOUNT field and the SUFFIX field. If they match between the two sets, then the YTD-...