datasuitabilityecosystemsaccuracyvegetationThe first 10 m resolution global land-cover map, FROM-GLC10 was released in early March 2019. Due to its high spatial resolution and reliable global accuracy, we evaluated the suitability of FROM-GLC10 data for understanding agricultural ecosystems in Beijing ...
PIE-Engine里面有FROM_GLC的10米分辨率数据(2017年)。 有这个数据,就可以直接用PIE-Engine导出按行政边界裁剪的10米分辨率土地覆盖数据。 2.2.1 研究区准备 在PIE里面上传研究区数据,我上传的是四川省_资阳市_乐至县的行政区数据。 待数据上传后,与GEE不同,该研究区不能直接调用,需要转为geometry类型。 //...
复制 varimage=ee.Image('Tsinghua/FROM-GLC/GAIA/v10');Map.addLayer(image,{min:0,max:34});Map.setCenter(116.9921,39.7971,8);
全球土地覆盖10米的更精细分辨率观测和监测(FROM-GLC10) 这项工作和论文的目的是对2017年用不同卫星上的传感器获取的10米分辨率图像进行分类。我们通过10米分辨率的地图FROM-GLC10进行检查,并与我们2017年30米全球土地覆盖地图FROM-GLC30进行比较。我们发现,虽然结果是可比的,但10米地图确实提供了更多的空间细节。虽然...
Based on that, the accuracy assessment of the FROM-GLC30 2017 dataset was carried out. The results showed (1) the area proportion of different land cover types in the FROM-GLC30 2017 dataset was generally consistent with that of the reference data. (2) The overall accuracy of the FROM-...
在此背景下,清华大学地学系俞乐课题组基于FROM-GLC Plus 1.0(FGP 1.0)制图系统,构建了具备年度及动态制图能力的知识与数据双驱动土地覆盖监测系统FROM-GLC Plus 2.0(FGP 2.0)。该系统通过融合多源土地覆盖制图结果,基于遥感影像中地理实体...
FROM-GLC (Fine Resolution Observation and Monitoring of Global Land Cover) is the first 30m resolution global land-cover map produced using Landsat Thematic Mapper (TM) and Enhanced Thematic Mapper Plus (ETM+) data. Due to the lack of temporal features as inputs in producing FROM-GLC, conside...
& Ren, J. High-fat diet enhances visceral advanced glycation end products, nuclear O-Glc-Nac modification, p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase activation and apoptosis. Diabetes Obes. Metab. 7(4), 448–454. (2005). Article CAS PubMed ...
A new global land cover database for the year 2000 (GLC2000) has been produced by an international partnership of 30 research groups coordinated by the European Commission's Joint Research Centre. The database contains two levels of land cover information—detailed, regionally optimized land cover...