@文心快码from flask import blueprint 文心快码 作为Comate,我很乐意帮助你理解flask.Blueprint的使用。下面是按照你的提示拆分的详细回答: 解释flask.Blueprint的用途和重要性: flask.Blueprint 是Flask 框架中的一个重要特性,它允许你将应用拆分成多个蓝图(Blueprint)。每个蓝图可以包含路由、错误处理器、模板等,...
static_folder主要是用来改变url的目录的,默认是static,可以通过这个变量来改变静态文件目录。 #encoding=utf-8from flaskimportFlaskfrom flaskimportgfrom flaskimportsend_from_directoryfrom flaskimporturl_forimportos.path app = Flask(__name__,static_url_path="/test") @app.route("/")defstatic_create()...
# 以下 import的admin和web,是admin和web包下__init__.py中定义的对象 from admin import admin # 项目启动后,这里会报错 from web import web # 项目启动后,这里会报错 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. admin包下的__init__.py文件 from flask import Blueprint admin = Blueprint( # 需要在其他模块中导入这个 ad...
from flask import Blueprint index_blue = Blueprint("index", __name__) from . import views 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 代码丢过去后,我们需要在views里重新导入 from . import index_bule 1.
app.add_template_global(UrlManage.buildStaticUrl,"buildStaticUrl") send_from_directory 这是接口返回真实的文件,就是帮你找到你的所需要的文件 fromflaskimportBlueprint,send_from_directoryfromapplicationimportapp route_static= Blueprint('static',__name__) ...
admin = Blueprint(# 需要在其他模块中导入这个 admin 蓝图对象'admin', __name__, template_folder='templates', static_folder='static')from.importviews AI代码助手复制代码 web包下的__init__.py文件 fromflaskimportBlueprint web = Blueprint(# 需要在其他模块中导入这个 web 蓝图对象'web', ...
fromloggingimport StreamHandlerfromflask_restplus import Apifromflask import Blueprintfromflask_limiter import Limiterfromflask_limiter.util import get_remote_address blueprint = Blueprint('api', __name__,url_prefix='/api') limiter = Limiter(key_func=get_remote_address) ...
I've written a flask app that uses a blueprint to implement an API. When I create the server, I use register_blueprint to make the api available. I added a url_prefix parameter as a parameter to the call to register_blueprint. Thus, in t...
from flask import Blueprint admin = Blueprint("admin", __name__) import app.admin.views 0 回复 收起回答 提问者 慕慕9424393 #1 感谢老师的回答,是我自己不仔细!抱歉!!问题已经解决 回复 2017-08-03 20:04:41 提问者 慕慕9424393 #2 非常感谢! 回复 2017-08-03 20:50:24 rustgopy...
import json from flask import Blueprint, render_template from flask import (Blueprint, flash, g, make_response, redirect, render_template, request, session, url_for) from flask import current_app as app import pandas import requests from application.models import Activity from application import ...