- A pain to store and set up Powered by unique combat, a setting that's reminiscent of The Witcher, and more loot than you'll know what to do with, Gloomhaven is the RPG of your dreams. Branching storylines produce a quest you can lose yourself in for months as well, so get comfort...
ve written about the problems we have with Andromeda at length: the squadmates are barely memorable enough to rank, the combat is more nuanced than your relationships, the aliens feel like reskinned humans that are cool with colonization, and despite using the same tools as The Witcher 3 for...
For a wasteland, things certainly look pretty. The game has a fairly advanced physics engine, so it's possible to knock down plenty of objects in the world, such as fences. This can create some crazy moments in combat if you're driving madly, plowing over everything while getting shot ...
We're now only a single week away from something amazing, Valve will be officially releasing the Steam Deck. Here's some updated numbers on what games you can expect to see working well. Looking back,6 days agowe noted there we 520 games rated as Verified or Playable together a...
The Witcher 3: Blood and Wine– possibly my greatest regret of the year, that I haven’t finished this. I actually went out and bought the complete Witcher 3 on Xbox One (even though I already own it on PS4) just so that I could replay the entire game again and then approach this...
So far it hasn’t been clarified whether Chimera Squad is meant as a first taste of what’s to come with XCOM 3 and was developed alongside it, or if it is an attempt to release anything at all, now that the gaming industry, much like everywhere else, is likely looking at indefinite...
I held back on The Witcher 3 until it was 80% off, I held back on Shadow Warrior 2 for a similar discount. I still haven't bought Serious Sam 4, Dying Light 2, Doom Eternal - because their discount is not low enough for me to go ahead and buy the non-Linux game. Cro...
When it comes to mini-games, the card-based collect-a-thon enjoyed across Temeria in The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt doesn’t get more detailed or compulsive. The world might be being threatened by menacing, masked bad guys and an all-consuming frost, but it was Gwent to which we lost countl...
over the dwindling magical resources. This dark tone doesn't mean that the game can't have fun minigames, as card games like Gwent only added toThe Witcher 3: Wild Huntand didn't diminish the tone.Gwent ended up receiving a mobile gameof its own, as well as its own spin-off titles...
This took about 30 seconds to say but sent them reliably half a day’s march from town. Other players would spend 30 minutes to go that far. (Remarkably, these same players often sped up considerably when the session had 5 minutes left and they had to get back to town.) There’s als...