The Oakley Frogskins Lite Sunglasses tweak Oakley's most iconic design with a semi-rimless style that's sporty enough for any adventure. Sometimes you need a pair of sunglasses that are ready to turn the dial to eleven, and with their 100% UVA, UVB, and UVC and blue light protection, ...
铱镀膜工艺,Plutonite镜片,阻隔强光,PRIZM谱锐智技术+HDO光学技术,目前亚马逊海外购镇店之宝价¥527.85,黑色/亮绿色此价,可免费直邮,税费¥108.11(预收偏高,多收会退),直邮含税到手¥635.96,国内天猫旗舰店售价¥1380。 Oakley Men's Frogskins Lite Round Sunglasses 欧克利 谱锐智铱镀膜太阳镜 0OO9374,HDO高...
国内1380元!prime会员!Oakley 欧克利 Frogskins Lite 谱锐智铱镀膜太阳镜 0OO9374 直邮含税到手¥572.45. 某东京享红包天天领,每天三次,最高1111元,移动端点这里,PC端点这里 8.3-11.30,亚马逊中国普通用户满300包邮,prime会员(点我39
直达链接 Oakley Men's Frogskins Lite Round Sunglasses 欧克利 谱锐智铱镀膜太阳镜 0OO9374,HDO高清晰度光学技术,减少光线折射,去除散光,确保优良的清晰度和视觉保真度;采用PLUTONITE材质,过滤各种紫外线及有害蓝光;铱镀膜工艺,阻隔强光、避免高温辐射,强化对比度,还原环境色彩;PRIZM谱锐智镜片技术,增强色彩辨识度,...
Oakley 「欧克利,美国运动品牌」品牌产品中有一款深受街头文化所喜爱的 Frogskins 太阳镜将在今年踏入诞生 35 周年。 为此,Oakley品牌便推出了 35 周年别注版本重现当年元祖版本的经典细节。 2018 年 Oakley 与藤原浩主理的 Fragment Design 就曾合作推出过别注 Frogskins Lite,令这经典镜架再度受到时尚圈的关注,此...
Oakley Men's Frogskins Lite Round Sunglasses 欧克利 谱锐智铱镀膜太阳镜 0OO9374,HDO高清晰度光学技术,减少光线折射,去除散光,确保优良的清晰度和视觉保真度;采用PLUTONITE材质,过滤各种紫外线及有害蓝光;铱镀膜工艺,阻隔强光、避免高温辐射,强化对比度,还原环境色彩;PRIZM谱锐智镜片技术,增强色彩辨识度,锐化视野,...
Oakley/欧克利 型号 FROGSKINS 货号 0OO9245 上市时间 2021年夏季 销售渠道类型 商场同款(线上线下都销售) 是否商场同款 是 适用对象 通用 眼镜分类 其他 颜色分类 9250A-04 9245-61 9245-75 9245-74 9245-87 9245-C0 9245-D0 9245-D1 9245-62 9245-95 9245-96 9245-D8 9245-D9 9245-63 9245-A7 ...
虽然他们的体育类O型护目镜和遮光镜先行登台亮相,不过是运动型太阳镜让奥克利成功建立了群众的基础。而现在,奥克利运动型眼镜正在进行重塑,将会成为整个品牌的标志性缩影。它的设计风格依然经典十足,采用半无边框的轮廓,并且使用轻巧的O 型物质进行制作,同时用抗水性橡胶的材质制作鼻垫,这样一来,可以通过三点式的支...
The Oakley Frogskins Lite Sunglasses tweak Oakley's most iconic design with a semi-rimless style that's sporty enough for any adventure. Sometimes you need a pair of sunglasses that are ready to turn the dial to eleven, and with their 100% UVA, UVB, and UVC and blue light protection, ...
Born in the 80’s and back to rule the world once again, the Oakley Frogskins Sunglasses have a limited edition run of colors and design, so get ‘em while you still can. The frame is legendary and is paired with Oakley's best optics; the Frogskins know what’s up when it comes ...