Department of Geological and Geophysical Sciences, Princeton University , Princeton, New JerseyStephen M. WickhamDepartment of the Geophysical Sciences, University of ChicagoCalvin MillerVanderbilt University, Nashville, TennesseeJohn Wiley & Sons, LtdEos, Transactions American Geophysical Union...
The large number of species also indicates regionalism. For example, the New Jersey Chorus Frog, not presented here, has a range limited to Southeastern Pennsylvania, New Jersey, and the Delmarva Peninsula of eastern Maryland, Delaware, and Virginia. Many types of these frogs live in all areas...
An Australian man's pool became a breeding ground for frogs after months of heavy rains and flooding. Credit: Roy Hamilton via Storyful An Australian man opted for a "swim in the creek" instead of his backyard after he awoke to find his pool filled with frogs. Roy Hamilton of New South...
Understanding skittering is an important discovery for the realm of biology, but it holds other keys as well. This discovery provides a new physical basis for the future of bio-inspired robotics. It could be applied to a water testing system that is needed to be rapidly deployed, or an amph...
regilla. The majority of the information was collected from regions along the coast of eastern USA (24.8% of documents; Florida, Georgia, Maryland, Pennsylvania, New York, New Jersey, North Carolina, South Carolina), in midwestern USA (18.3%; Illinois, Iowa, Michigan, Minnesota, Kansas, ...
Otophryninae is distantly related to all other New World microhylids that were recovered as a monophyletic group, Gastrophryninae. Within Gastrophryninae, five genera were recovered as non-monophyletic; we propose taxonomic re-arrangements to render all genera monophyletic. This hypothesis of relat...
Researchers then work out the size and the weight of the bear, take blood to test for diseases(疾病), remove a tooth and take it to the lab to find out its age. From these studies, researchers want to find out how many bears live in New Jersey, how long they live, and how many ...
Mating Call Of The Spring Peeper, Hyla Crucifer, Recorded At The Eastern Edge Of Tenafly, New Jersey, At 7:15 P.M. On April 18, 1957 0:23 Mating Chorus Of The Pacific Treefrog, Hyla Regilla, In Littlerock Creek, Littlerock, Los Angeles County, California, On The Edge Of The Mojave...
I just returned from a trip to New Jersey. On the way back, I was stopped by a traffic accident. This accident involved a truck carrying a lot of dangerous materials that were leaking out(外漏). This meant that we weren't going anywhere for several hours. After being told by the poli...
She wandered in to our life and house when we lived in New Jersey and never left. She had obviously been mistreated and did not like to be held for any period of time. She was very afraid of plastic bags and would hide whenever she heard a bag rustled. She was otherwise a very ...