Their native range stretches from the Amazon basin in South America up to southern Texas. But humans have introduced cane toads elsewhere, and their insatiable appetites can be a big problem for wildlife. They are an invasive species in areas such as Florida and Australia, where they compete ...
laevis are likely not a large source of the pathogen and may prey upon Bd, suppressing pathogen transmission to or between native amphibians.;The second part of this dissertation explores X. laevis as a predatory threat to amphibians native to southern California, and native amphibian response to...
Moving to the Rocky Mountains and the West Coast, think size again. The Western or Boreal Toad can grow up to five inches, ranking them as one of the largest of the native toads. Of course the non-native Cane toads can grow up to eight inches, making them the largest toads in the U...
Tadpoles are very different from adult frogs and, after a period of growth, undergo metamorphosis. To change into the adult form, they must develop limbs, lose their tail and gills and remodel their guts and head to change into an amphibian that can live
The largest in the world is the endangered Goliath Frog, Conraua goliath, native to Cameroon and Equatorial Guinea. It grows to 12.6 inches long (32 cm), without its legs extended, and weighs up to 7.17 pounds (3.25 kg). Imagine coming across one of those! Way, way down at the ...
After 50 years, the California red-legged frog made famous in Mark Twain’s short storyThe Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calaveras Countyreturned to Yosemite in 2017. The federally threatened red-legged frog disappeared from the park after non-native, predatory American bullfrogs were placed in a re...
Click here to listen this David Tallamy talkon habitat restoration and how you can make a positive impact in your yard by planting natives. The talk, sponsored bythe California Native Plant Society, goes beyond the usual reasons and digs deep into the science. It’s interesting and important...
many of the frogs and imported toads used in the movie escaped into the wild during production. (Most of the frogs we see in this movie are Cane Toads, which are not native to Florida. Since this movie was made, Cane toads have become a terribly invasive species in Australia, and in ...
Chytridiomycosis, resulting from an infection with the fungal agent Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis (Bd), has resulted in widespread population declines in both wild and captive amphibians. The dwarf African frog (DAF) Hymenochirus curtipes is native to central Africa and is commonly sold throughout ...
(R.macrocnemis,R.chensinensis,R.ornativentrisandR.uenoi) were in fact ZW, this would still leave a clear bias towards XY heterogamety in this family. This bias runs against expectations from models where either sex-ratio selection or sex-antagonistic selection drive turnovers31,32,33,50. ...