The Frog in the Pond: Does Gender Matter? Secondary Schools and Gendered OutcomesMoller, StephanieStearns, ElizabethSouthworth, StephaniePotochnick, Stephanie
This article aims to investigate the process of deconstruction and reconstruction of gender roles in the Disney animated film The Princess and the Frog (2009). The evolution of the main female figure in parallel with the resizing of the main male character is set out through a c...
This study aimed to test the independent association of gender and long-term survival of ICU patients. Materials and methodsFROG-ICU was a prospective, observational, multi-center cohort designed to investigate the long-term mortality of critically ill adult patients. The primary endpoint of this ...
Disney has long faced criticism that it perpetuates a patriarchal ideology by producing children's films filled with images of traditional gender roles and values. A close reading of the texts reveals that some gender behaviors traditionally associated with males are now reflected by female characters...
Siegbert MerkleJ Comp Physiol BJournal of Comparative Physiology B Biochemical Systemic & Environmental PhysiologyMerkle, S. (1989): Sexual differences as adaptation to the different gender roles in the frog Xenopus laevis Daudin. Journal of Comparative Physiology B: Biochemical, Systemic and ...
doi:10.1002/j.2573-508x.2018.tb000089.xBernard KusenaJohn Wiley & Sons, LtdProceedings of the African Futures Conference
Under Grave Conditions: African-American Signs of Life and Death in North FloridaIntroduction Cemeteries are deliberately created and highly organized cultural landscapes. 2 Studied collectively, they present miniaturizations and ideal-izations of larger patterns and social conditions. Studied individually, ...
What is the relevance of a chapter about decorated calabashes (gourds) to a volume about ceramics? A characteristic of recent archaeology has been the widespread espousal of a systems theory framework. The various subsystems, such as ceramic production, areI Hodder...
C GosdenGosden, Chris. (2012) "Magic, materials and matter: understanding different ontologies". In Materiality and Social Practice. Transformative Capacities of Intercultural Encounters, edited by Joseph Maran and Philippe W. Stockhammer, 13-19. Oxford: Oxbow Books....
(1988). The ancient Maya from Lamanai, Belize: diet and health over 2,000 years. Canadian Review of Physical Anthropology 6(2): 1-21.White CD (1988) The Ancient Maya from Lamanai, Belize: Diet and Health over 2,000 Years. Can. Rev. Phys. Anthropol. 6(21:1-21....