九、观察图片,完成下列任务。The frog's life cycle(青蛙的生命周期)1Spawn Tadpole Adult frog Froglet任务一:根据图片,用数字给下列内容排序。 (首句已给出)( 2 )I am black. I have no legs. But I have a tail. I can swim(游泳).( 5 )I am big. I am green. I have four legs. But I...
If you’re lucky enough to spot some of these strange eggs, pay attention to theirshape. Frogs lay ‘frogspawn’, which looks like around clusterof eggs, while toads lay ‘toadspawn’, which comes inlong ribbons. DID YOU KNOW? As far as scientists are concerned, there’sno differencebetwee...
The life cycle of a frog 1.The Egg Frogs lay their eggs in water or wet places. A floating clump of eggs is called frog spawn.The large and slippery mass of eggs are too big to be eaten. This is nature's way of protecting them. But, the smaller clumps of eggs wi...
Frogs also have an unusual life cycle. In springtime, they lay thousands of eggs that float in ponds or streams. But these eggs, called spawn, don't hatch into baby frogs. 青蛙也有不寻常的生命周期。在春天,它们产下数千个漂浮在池塘或溪流中的卵 但这些卵被称为产卵,不会孵化成小青蛙。 第5...
Frogs also have an unusual life cycle. In springtime, they lay thousands of eggs that float in ponds or streams. But these eggs, called spawn, don't hatch into baby frogs. 青蛙也有不寻常的生命周期。在春天,它们产下数千个漂浮在池塘或溪流中的卵 但这些卵被称为产卵,不会孵化成小青蛙。
Frogsgo through four stages in their life cycle: egg, tadpole, froglet, and adult frog. Think of it like a superhero origin story. Each stage is like a different chapter in their adventure. Stage 1: Egg Frogs start their life as tiny eggs, usually laid in clusters called spawn. These ...
Frogs also have an unusual life cycle. In springtime, they lay thousands of eggs that float in ponds or streams. But these eggs, called spawn, don't hatch into baby frogs. 青蛙也有不寻常的生命周期。在春天,它们产下数千个漂浮在池塘或溪流中的卵 但这些卵被称为产卵,不会孵化成小青蛙。
Afteraboutfiveweeksthetadpolebeginstochange.Itstartstogrowhindlegs.Behinditshead,bulgesappearwherethefrontlegsaregrowinganditstailbecomessmaller.Lungsbegintodevelop,preparingthefrogforitslifeonland.Froglet Ayoungfrog Overtime,thetadpolebecomesevenmorefroglike.Ithassheditsskinandlips.Itsmouthwidens,anditlosesits...
Average Spawn Size several hundred-several thousand Habitat freshwater, tropical, rainforest Predators humans Diet Carnivore Lifestyle Solitary Type amphibian Common Name Goliath Frog Number Of Species 1 Location Africa Goliath Frog Physical Characteristics Color Brown Yellow Green Orange Skin Type Permeable...
Average Spawn Size Up to 6500 Habitat Forest, grassland, wetland Predators Various, including raccoons, foxes, snakes, birds, frogs, humans Diet Carnivore Type Amphibian Common Name Leopard Frog Location From southern Canada through northern South America Leopard Frog Physical Characteristics Color Brown...