Frog (taboo, offensive, slang)an offensive word for a French person Word Origin Idioms have, etc. a frog in your throat to lose your voice or be unable to speak clearly for a short time Seefrogin the Oxford Advanced American Dictionary ...
1. The term "frog English" refers to the pronunciation of the word "frog" in English. It is pronounced as [frɒɡ] in British English and [frɑːɡ] in American English. The word "frog" can be used as a noun or a verb. As a noun, it means "toad," "fr...
variety of apple, mid-15c.,renette, from Old Frenchrainette, diminutive ofraine,reine"frog," from Latin rana "frog," which probably is imitative of croaking (comparefrog(n.1)). If so, so called for its speckled skin like a frog's. The other possibility is that the Old French name of...
4 Many people in Canada speak French but their French is very different from the French of France. A.English is used in China nearly everywhere. B.It can also happen to other languages, such as French. C.They say “Have you a storybook?” D.English in these two counties is different ...
Emma is the main host of Dialogue Frog. Emma enjoys learning languages, talking with people, reading books and watching international tv shows. She can speak some Japanese and is starting to learn Chinese. In the future, she wants to study Korean and French. ...
On request, he came in to unload the dishwasher. After a bit more reading, he did some French with his sister and me. We’re working through a book of French phonics songs, aimed at helping improve our pronunciation. We practiced the previous two songs, and learnt a new one today. The...
1 :a small animal that spends much of the time in water and has smooth skin, webbed feet, and long back legs for jumping—comparetoad 2 Froginformal + offensive:a French person ◊ This sense is very offensive and should be avoided. ...
Fun Fact:Grosse Tete means "big head" in French. Learn more interesting trivia about unusual Louisiana town namesHERE. Maine Canva Maine Fun Fact:Maine is not only home to Burnt Porcupine, but it also boasts some absolute tongue-twisting city names. Test your pronunciatio...
Fun Fact:Grosse Tete means "big head" in French. Learn more interesting trivia about unusual Louisiana town namesHERE. Maine Canva Maine Fun Fact:Maine is not only home to Burnt Porcupine, but it also boasts some absolute tongue-twisting city names. Test your pronunciation skillsHERE. ...