Frog lives in a tank, So he might be curious about the kinds of food he will find outside. 青蛙原本生活在一个容器里, 现在出来觅食,那一定是对什么都感兴趣啦! 娜塔莉想,接着呢, 这只小青蛙会不会试着去找各种东西吃? 男孩子是不是得一直跟着它了? 娜塔莉的推测对不对呢,我们接着读下去,一定...
You have to stay in the well. It isn't an interesting place."记忆卡片frog [ frog] n.青蛙 well [ wel ] n. pond [ppnd] n.池塘阅读体验一、阅读短文,选择最佳的答案将上面的短文补充完整。()1. A. summer B. spring C. autumn()2. A. fish B. food C. water()3. A. stayed B. ...
“In that case, do you like fancy food?” the cook asked the frog. “那样的话,那你喜欢吃精致美味的食物吗?”厨子问青蛙。 “Yes, Princes always like fancy food,” said Biff. “是的,王子都喜欢美味的食物,”Biff说。 “I prefer bu...
He lived in a (1)___ pond. The hot(2)___ came, the small pond had no (3)___, so he wanted to look for another one. Then he (4)___ a well(井). He sat on the well and looked into it. There was much water. The frog was very happy. He(5)___into the well....
Once upon a time, many frogs lived in a pond (池塘).One day King Frog decided to hold a ___-e卷通组卷网
跟孩子一起读绘本《The Frog Prince》青蛙王子 《The Frog Prince》青蛙王子青蛙王子的故事,家长们已经给孩子们讲过无数次了吧。可恶的巫师把王子变成了青蛙,青蛙只有得到真心的友情,有人愿意善待它,与它做朋友 ,他才能变回王子。还好,青蛙遇到了虽然任性但是心思还算善良的公主,愿意与他交往,做朋友,给他...
八、 完形填空。 (10 分)Long long ago, there were two frogs. One frog lived in a 1 pond, an
They live in the pond. What do they eat? They eat insects. 青蛙,他们住在池塘里,他们喜欢吃昆虫。 D04 预测并确认, 娜塔莉亲子 , 1分钟 今天和娜塔莉一起学习一个新的阅读策略: 它是: Make, revise, and confirm predictions 做预测,修正预测,确认预测 ...
One frog lived in a 1 pond, and the other one2 in a well. The hot 3 came. The small pond had no 4_. The frog 5 the place to look for another place. Then he 6 a well. He sat beside the well and looked into it.There was much water. The frog was very happy. He 7 into...
“You were a good friend,” said the Prince. “You gave me food. You even let me sit on your pillow.” The Princess and the Prince became real friends. They liked to play with the ball made of gold, but they never went near the pond. When they grew up, the Prince and Princess ...