In addition, the frog’s eyes and nose are at the top of its head, enabling it to submerge the rest of its body to hide but still see and breathe. These frogs have what looks like a line of stitch marks running the length of their bodies on both sides, which are sensors used to...
If you wanted to draw adiagram of frog life cycle, you might pencil in a circle to begin with. The circle will represent the egg. You would then draw the baby tadpole. Make sure the tadpole only has gills, a tail, and a mouth. Next, add back legs and a head. Then draw front le...
a tail, and a mouth. Next, add back legs and a head. Then draw front legs on the baby tadpole representing the froglet in the frog life cycle. Then draw a
A perfect upward plank pose should create a slight curve from the tip of the toes all the way to the crown of the head. To properly carry out this pose, one’s hips and chest have to be actively pushing upwards, one’s stomach must remain tucked in, while the fingers are kept widesp...
Crayfish is the name of a genus of fish. Crayfish are small freshwater fish that live in the aquatic environment. They usually have a long, thin body with a large head and mouth. The front half of their bodies are covered with spines, and they...
8.Twoopeningscanbeseenonthelateralsidesofthemouth’sroof.These areopeningstotheEustachiantubes,leadingtothetympani.Thesetubes helpequalizepressure. InternalAnatomy 1.Makealateralincisiononbothlymph nodesofyourfrog.Lymphnodesare foundunderthejawoneitherside. 2.Nowcutthroughtheabdominal musclesandbones.Makea...
The frog pose isn’t just for dedicated yogis. If you need to improve your blood circulation, flexibility, or just feel better from head to toe, the frog pose is for you. Sedentary Folk There’s no getting around it; physical inactivity contributes to sore muscles, tight and achy joints,...
Use the diagram below to locate and identify the external features of the head. Find themouth,external nares, tympani, eyes, and nictitating membranes. Turn the frog on its back and pin down the legs. Cut the hinges of the mouth and open it wide. Use the diagram below to locate and id...
I remember, as a youngster, lying in her bed, which I shared when we visited, and watching her in a long white nightgown, slowly unfold the bun from her head and carefully comb out her dark hair that reached almost to her knees. My mother said I was an unusually happy child who ...
If the animal hasn't moved, colored water will soon stream out from the gills on the sides of the tadpole's head. The tadpole breathes by drawing water through its mouth and passing the oxygen-rich water across gills that contain small blood vessels. The tadpole takes in oxygen from the ...