本组头像为游戏史上最大ARG联动——”the eye sigil“的标志。而这个标志正与一部著名的游戏作品相关《青蛙分数2(frogfractions2)》。 出于想让大家了解到《青蛙分数2》的前身、以及游戏内容、玩法的脑洞,所以今天先来给大家介绍《青蛙分数1》。其实《青蛙分数1》并没有牵扯到太多ARG的元素,但是由于这部游戏实在是...
It was found that the target peptides, Nigrocin-2-OV and Brevinin-1-PLr, located in the 127th and 126th fractions, respectively (Fig. 2). These two fractions were analyzed by electrospray ion-trap MS/MS fragmentation and the primary structures of the two putative peptides confirmed by ...
2.2. Isolation and Structural Characterization of Phylloseptin‐PBa from Reverse Phase HPLC Fractions of S22.k.22i.n. II Sssooellcaartteiitooinnon aa nndd SSttrruuccttuurraall CChhaarraacctteerriizzaattiioonn o...
fractions was performed at 1 min intervals. The calculated molecular masses of predicted novel mature peptides from open-reading frames of cloned cDNAs were used to interrogate a mass spectral library of skin secretion peptides from reverse phase HPLC fractions using MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry (...