Around Lake Peipsi, nine amphibians are found, among them warty newt, common spadefoot, green toad andmarsh frogare rare, while smooth newt, common toad, common frog, moor frog and edible frog are abundant. Near Lake Võrtsjärv,Rana lessonaewas also found.B. viridis,T. cristatus,P. fu...
This family represents the true frogs and, together with the Leptodactylidae (southern or tropical frogs), contains the largest number (well exceeding 100) of genera. The teeth are bicuspid, with a small cusp located on the labial slope of the conical tooth tip. Teeth are continuously replace...
Forexample,aspeciesmaydelineate(描述)anecoregion(生态区)orindicateanenvironmentalconditionsuchasadiseaseoutbreak,pollution,speciescompetitionorclimatechange.Indicatorspeciescanbeamongthemostsensitivespeciesinaregion,andsometimesactasanearlywarningtomonitoringbiologists.— ...