double frobeniusProduct = (matrix1.cwiseProduct(matrix2)).sum(); std::cout << "Frobenius inner product: " << frobeniusProduct << std::endl; return 0; } 上述代码中,我们定义了两个3x3的矩阵matrix1和matrix2,然后使用cwiseProduct()函数进行逐元素相乘,再使用sum()函数求和,最终得到两个矩阵的Fro... Frobenius norm
Sua´rez, "Approximate Inverse Computation Using Frobenius Inner Product", Num. Lin. Alg. Appl., 9, 239-247, 2002.G. MONTERO, L. GONZALEZ, E. FLOREZ, M.D. GARCIA Y A. SUAREZ, Short Communication: Approximate inverse computation using Frobe- nius inner product, Num. Lin. Alg. Appl.... Frobenius norm
Frobenius product 来自 喜欢 0 阅读量: 109 作者: Z Csáti 摘要: Calculates the Frobenius inner product of two matrices A and B. In mathematics, it is indicated as A:B. So I made a class that overloads the colon operator to be able to make this....
Frobeniusinner product 微软 转载 mob60475704c528 2017-09-27 20:01:00 616阅读 2 基于Frobenius范数构造L2-图的子空间聚类方法 这种方法通过最小化表示误差的Frobenius范数,确保了数据点能够被合理地表示为其他数据点的线性组合,进而揭示了数据点...
关于矩阵的Frobenius内积的一个推广 An Extension of the Frobenius Inner Product for Matrices 作者: 刘燕秋;余波 作者机构: 三峡大学理学院,湖北宜昌443002 出版物刊名: 广东石油化工学院学报 页码: 63-66页 年卷期: 2016年 第6期 主题词: 矩阵空间;向量内积;矩阵内积 摘要:推广了矩阵的Frobenius内积,并...
then its largest eigenvalue λ is positive and simple; moreover, there exist vectorsvandwwith positive components such thatvM= λvandMw= λw, if the inner product ofvwithwis 1, then the limit of λ -ntimes thei,jth entry ofMnasngoes to infinity is the product of theith component of...