FroalaEditor是一个用JavaScript编写的轻量级WYSIWYGHTML Editor,它为应用程序提供了富文本编辑功能。 为什么选择FroalaEditor? 开发人员友好型 由开发人员为开发人员创建的WYSIWYGHTML编辑器。有了强大的API和文档,您可以在几分钟内开始使用。 易于扩展 您可以用FroalaEditor做任何事。编写良好、结构化和文档化的代码非常容...
How do Froala editor updates work? Can I try the Froala editor before I buy it? What should I know about the Pro license plan? What should I know about the Enterprise license plan? How can I upgrade from one plan to another?
Learn how to Initialize the Froala WYSIWYG HTML Editor on a textarea and get the HTML and Javascript codes for you can use it yourself.
Froala Editor is using an UMD module pattern, as a result it has support for CommonJS.The following examples presumes you are using npm to install froala-editor, see Download and install FroalaEditor for more details. varFroalaEditor=require('froala-editor');// Load a plugin.require('froala...
Froala editor 是一款非常不错的所见即所得web编辑器,并且是收费的,单个域名的授权是99美元~ 但是在没有购买正常的情况下,只能编辑10行,且有一个大大的未授权标识。 官方网站演示地址: Github项目地址: ...
We know you hate testing and want a product that really works, so most of the editor's functionality is covered by unit tests. Inline Editing We managed to achieve the best editing experience ever. Using the inline editor, what you see is actually what you get. Shortcuts Functionality at ...
Bring theFroala WYSIWYG Editorinto anember-cliproject with this addon. Besides importing the required Froala Editor files, themainpart of this addon is the<FroalaEditor />component, which adds the editor in your ember app. Other functionality is also included to help interact with the editor and...
直接上它的官网地址:FroalaEditor 它的功能着实强大,我的项目中只需要用到如下图的那些功能: 大概使用方法如下: 1.按需引入该插件需要的js文件和css文件。 你可以下载该项目至本地或者直接引用cdn地址,我这里就是引用的cdn。 css文件有如下:
Froala Editor V4 Froala WYSIWYG HTML Editor is one of the most powerful JavaScript rich text editors ever. Slim - only add the plugins that you need (30+ official plugins) Client frameworks integrations Server side SDKs forPHP,Node.JS,.NET,Java, andPython ...
Froala Editor 是用 JavaScript 编写的轻量级 WYSIWYG HTML 编辑器,可为您的应用程序提供富文本编辑功能。使用简单,许多功能不必用数百个按钮压倒用户。编辑器的智能工具栏可以在一个简单的界面中容纳 100 多个功能,它按范围将所有操作分为 4 个类别,提供直观的工具栏,其中每个功能都很容易找到,最常用的功能也很容易...