每次打开主页面时,总会弹出一个“FRM-41045: 找不到项:无效的ID”错误(弹三次错误框): 而且在打开文件夹块时还提示错误“FRM-40105:不能解析BORROW_SUMMARY.FLODER_DUMMY的引用”: 开始以为是ORDER_BY1~3出了问题,因为刚刚好是3个,但找了半天也没发现问题。 细看才发现,原来是拼写错了= = FLODER_DUMMY -...
FRM-40105 Unable Resolve Reference to Item WIPTXMAT.ONHAND_INQUIRYSTEPS---The issue can be reproduced at will with the following steps:1. Open the work in Progress ,material transactions form2. Get the error.CauseSign In To view full details...
However, when they are different, the COMMIT in the LOV form raises the following error: FRM-40105: Unable to resolve reference to item DEPT_MC.DEPTNO and the following error in the calling form: FRM-40815: Variable GLOBAL.CGFL$DEPTNO_BASE_BI does not exist The row that was selected in ...