1、Form Builder 10G 打开 TEMPLATE.fmb 时提示: FRM-18108: Failed to load the following objects: Source Module: APPSTAND Source object: STANDARD_PC_AND_VA Source Module:APPSTAND Source Object: STANDARD_TOOLBAR Source Module:APPSTAND Source Object: STANDARD_CALENDAR 解决方法: 1.定义好D:\resource...
On : 12.1.3 version, Basic SysAdmin functions, maintenance The Oracle Developer Forms builder[32-bit] fails to open form INVIVCSU.fmb (or any other product code) with the following error: ERROR --- FRM-18108: Failed to load the following objects. Source Module:INVIVATT Source Object: ORG...
编译过程中本人碰到如下错误: FRM-18108: Failed to load the following objects. Source Module:APPSTAND.fmb …… PL/SQL ERROR 307 at line 40, column 10 too many declarations of'QUERY_RANGE' match thiscall 经分析,这是重复引用问题,因为服务器中存在不同语言的多个版本的form(分别放在/ZHS/, /US/目...