浏览器出现FRM-92120报警解决方法 当出现以下错误提示时,可以下面所述方法解决 如果是IE7浏览器可以将XSS禁用即可
Symptoms 今天群里一哥们,问Chrome登录EBS报错FRM-92120如何解决。由于平时都使用IE,对Chrome还真没有研究过。 FRM-92120: Registry file http://servername:8888/forms/java/oracle/forms/registry/Registry.dat is missing Cause 这类错误,主要和客户端浏览器和JAVA有关。 Document 389422.1: Recommended Browsers fo...
FRM-92120:说缺失 Registry.dat。 但实际这个文件是在的。 之前一直可以打开没有问题,突然就这样了。 解决:换了火狐。。。
Oracle Forms - Version and later: FRM-92120 Registry File Registry.dat Is Missing When Accessing Forms Through An External OHS
https...使用IE登陆Oracle EBS,报"FRM-92120: 注册表文件 http://host:port/forms/oracle/forms/registry/Registry.dat How to use Chrome to access Oracle Applications Extension to log in Oracle E-Business R12 Form UI without FRM-92129(or FRM-92120) error which say the file Registry.dat ...
Solution for FRM-92120 注册表文件 http //host port/forms/oracle,程序员大本营,技术文章内容聚合第一站。
Oracle Forms - バージョン 以降: Forms12c: LEGACY_LIFECYCLE=TRUEを使うと Forms 12cでFRM-92120 Registry.datが見つかりません
FRM-92120 A Server configuration error that indicates that an important file (the Registry) could not be located by the client. FRM-92145 The text used to describe Single Sign-On Authentication failed. FRM-92150 The version of the client is newer than the version of the server. ...
FRM-40735: WHEN-NEW-ITEM-INSTANCE 触发器提出了不能处理的异常状况 ORA-06502。 点确定后,form能显示,但是所有字段都为空。 --- 解决:when-new-form-instance 里没有添加package。。。