Fritz Hansen is an international design house, characterized by world-famous classics and exclusive design brands. Timeless design since 1872.
Fritz Hansen is an international design house, characterized by world-famous classics and exclusive design brands. Timeless design since 1872.
Fritz Hansen is an international design house, characterized by world-famous classics and exclusive design brands. Timeless design since 1872.
✓ Timeless classics ✓ Impressive quality ✓ Elegant Danish forms. Buy furniture, lamps & accessories from Fritz Hansen. Choose for yourself!
Stories about Danish furniture brand Fritz Hansen, including new and classic furniture by Arne Jacobsen, Poul Kjaerholm, Jaime Hayon and more.
Fritz Hansen是一个源自丹麦的家具品牌,自1872年创立以来,一直以其精湛的手工技艺和经典设计著称。以下是对该品牌的详细介绍:
Fritz Hansen Catalog Republic of Fritz Hansen is an exclusive, international design brand whose timeless collection unites world-famous classic and contemporary furniture, lighting and accessories. Founded in Denmark in 1872, the company has a long history of collaborating with leading international ...
《华丽志》观察到,9月以来,丹麦顶级家具品牌 Fritz Hansen、德国顶奢家电品牌 GAGGENAU(嘉格纳)在中国均开出了重要门店,同时,中国高端家居集合店 Cabana亦开出全新门店。这三家门店涉足家居、家具、家电等多个细分品类,覆盖不同风格、不同用途的家庭居住场景。
这些流派统称为北欧风格设计。🌟 Fritz Hansen是一个历史悠久的丹麦家具制造商,成立于1872年11月24日。历经百年发展,它已成为北欧最大、网罗最多北欧建筑大师的家具设计品牌。Fritz Hansen最著名的三把椅子——“蚂蚁椅”、“蛋椅”和“天鹅椅”,至今仍广受好评,在我们的生活中随处可见。
汉森沙发/拥抱沙发 / fritz hansen家具品牌CG-S037弗里茨 汉森亚米·海因 汉森沙发/拥抱沙发 | CG-S037 弗里茨 汉森 亚米·海因 汉森沙发又叫拥抱沙发是Jaime Hayon以主题拥抱创作的作品。 汉森沙发融合了西班牙和丹麦设计的特质,是设计师尊重色彩、工艺和技术的杰作。