shell scripts for system/hardware management and general maintenance like alsa, aria2c, aur, package, stats, build, backlight, backup, color, picker, cyanrip, dynv6, fritzbox, git, clone, compress, extract, multi, notify, test, padd, pdf, speed, ssh, status, stopwatch, cleanup, touchpad...
// revolver +chmod u+x revolver/revolver +mv revolver/revolver /usr/local/bin diff --git a/sites/fritzbox_de/error.html b/sites/fritzbox_de/error.html index bc5cfe4..deceb0c 100644 --- a/sites/fritzbox_de/error.html +++ b/sites/fritzbox_de/error.html ...
fritzbox路由器使用说明fritzbox路由器使用说明 首先是链接设备 仔细的观察路由器,在接口的下端显示power的是电源,旁边的接口下面的数字全部为输出的接口,reset是需要重置的时候的重置键,wan接入网线的接口。全部都连接成功之后,先观察一下指示灯的状态是否正常,闪烁状态的指示灯是sys的系统的正常运行的状态,常亮或者是...
fritz box 7530重置教程 具体步骤如下: 1、无线路由器后面都会有一个按钮,长按恢复出厂设置按钮就会重置你的路由器所有的设置。 2、首先我们打开浏览器,输入192.168.1.1,进入设置界面。 3、设定管理员密码,按照要求输入两遍。这个密码也一定要妥善设置并且记住。 4、在宽带账号和密码处分别输入你的手机号,身份证后...
Fritz Box is a device that makes possible to use PSTN phone and voip telephony over DSL. At the back of the device you can find several connections – DSL (for telephone line access), LAN (for local area network connection – PC, Switch, Hub), USB (for connection with pc or notebook...
FritzBox Visual Voicemail retrieves voicemail messages on the Fritzbox answering machine, and displays them neatly grouped by Voicebox. Included functions are: - Header informing you about recordings today and not listened to recordings - voicemail details including caller name lookup from Fritzbox phon...
内网2的FW1使用F1060防火墙做成SSL VPN网关,内网1的终端到达内网2之后,首先要进行SSL VPN的认证过后,...