How to get the Fringe Benefits achievement inWoW Dragonflight—Answered You get the Fringe Benefits achievement after youcomplete at least eight daily questsin Eon’s Fringe. Here’s the list of all daily quests in Eon’s Fringe: Lost Time-Lost Vikings Small Things Prince in Peril Squeaky Toy...
近年来,找工作的年轻人不光重视薪资,还很在乎公司提供的福利,例如保险和交通补贴。 在这里提一下,第三个例句中的“fringe theatre 边缘剧院”和主流剧院不同,它是上演实验性题材话剧的先锋剧院。而例句四中的“fringe benefits”指的是“正式...
6. Fringe benefits, 福利, On top of the high salary, these officials also enjoy countless fringe benefits. 这些官员不仅享有厚禄,而且还有各种数不清的福利。 7. fringe的翻译 7. Wow! Long blond hair like a waterfall on her shoulder, a shining necklace around her white neck, a golden bracelet...