I can access my external (i.e. not HAOS Add-On) Frigate instance running on Ubuntu\Docker athttp://frigate:5000/without any issues, only having the problem trying to connect within HA. Am I missing something obvious here? I'm connecting to my HA instance usinghttp://homeassistant.local:...
Home Assistant提供了对Frigate的官方集成支持。您可以通过Home Assistant的用户界面(UI)来安装这个集成插件: 打开Home Assistant的UI。导航到“配置” > “集成”。点击右下角的“添加集成”按钮。在搜索栏中输入“Frigate”并搜索。找到“Frigate”集成并点击它。按照...
Describe the problem you are having I have configure Frigate and using Frigate Custome component in Home assistant. Which adds my cameras as "camera" entities in HA. e.g. camera.front. I tried to stream this camera to one of the media pl...
40 你这主要是检测功能耗费CPU比较大,现在detector是用的cpu吧?可以试一试把detector换成openvino。 .....
通过Frigate实现homeassistant的监控自由 如果你在日常使用家庭监控的时候也碰到过类似的痛点,可以学习一下本视频的Frigate的应用~ 家用摄像头的痛点: - 品牌多,功能繁杂,难以选择 - 每个品牌独立APP,不便统一管 - 凯文_智能家居于20240921发布在抖音,已经收获了1779
刚玩这个,感觉功能强大的同时,也好复杂,目前仅接了以颗摄像头进来,学一下你的,谢谢 ...
If you would like to make a donation to support development, please useGithub Sponsors. Screenshots Live dashboard Streamlined review workflow Multi-camera scrubbing Built-in mask and zone editor 简介 Frigate 是一个为 Home Assistant 设计的完整的本地 NVR,具有 AI 物体检测功能 ...
Frigate是一款专门为Home Assistant环境打造的本地网络视频录像机(NVR)系统,它巧妙地结合了OpenCV与Tensorflow两大技术库,实现了对连接至网络的IP摄像机视频流的实时分析与物体检测功能。通过集成先进的人工智能技术,Frigate不仅提升了家庭安全监控系统的智能化水平,还降低了对外部云服务的依赖,确保了数据的安全性和隐私保...
Frigate 网络视频录像机接入 HomeAssistant 0x00.前言 前几篇文章介绍了各种摄像头的接入。是时候介绍 NVR(Network video recorder)即网络视频录像机了,它可以实现将视频内容存储到文件中,之前介绍的 motionEye 应该就算是 NVR 的一种了,它可以实现根据运动触发拍照或者摄像,那么更高级一点儿的,比如通过 OpenCV 或 ...
Home Assistant Frigate Integration Proxmox Host PCIe Passthrough First we need to modify the configuration of the Proxmox host where the Frigate VM will be running. Login to Proxmox and open a shell. 1. Modify the GRUB configuration by running the following command: ...