Day Ten: Combine in a large or medium bowl: batter, 1 cup of milk, 1 cup flour, and 1 cup of sugar. Stir and put 1 cup of starter in four gallon sized bags. Keep one for yourself and give the recipe and one starter bag to three friends with the remaining batter. Other starter ...
It is used to make a delicious, moist cake or sweet bread (think banana) that has a cinnamon flavor to it but there are lots of different flavor combos you can try (I’ve shared some ideas below). You’ll find most require at least 1 cup of starter and a box of instant pudding m...
Not every moment has been cake. We have faced our struggles in so many different areas of our life. We cope with things differently. Issy is the “talk it out” one while I am the “leave me alone to digest” one. We have conflict. We have scary life moments. We have days where ...