Distance is melancholically beautiful,so I have left you for a better memory.I have collected all the past dates into a book of verse waiting for your autograph. 如果你是孤独的港湾,我就是流浪的水手,即使我走过许多地方,也以你为我的终点站;如果你是流浪的水手,我就是孤独的港湾,虽然你的眼里只有...
I would be holding an idea in my head for the most important responsibilities in our lives, caring for our health and the health of our friends. That idea fails us, because ideas don't cure sepsis, antibiotics do. God doesn't cure the sick, MDs do. Mysticism doesn't reinforce physical...
We also shared the American Psychological Association’s articleThe science of friendship. I have been a big fan of theNaked and Afraidshows for many years: a reality show where they abandon a naked man and woman to the elements for 21 days. Later seasons had 40-day and 60-day challenges...
Liber Tertivsin general deals withthe nature of the soul / mind, and Epicurus is here praised for having a god-like mind. Also, notice that Lucretius here praises theAurea Dicta(golden precepts) of Epicurus, a subject that we will turn to later in this essay. After theAurea Dictaverse, ...
Ross: God. . No, no, although, Aruba, this time of year... 天呐,不,不,不过,阿鲁巴岛每年这个时候 Ross: Talk about your, big lizards. 可以谈论下,大蜥蜴。 Ross: Anyway, if you dont feel like being alone tonight, Joey and Chandler are coming over to help me put together my new ...
Rachel:OhGod...Well,itstartedaboutahalfhourbeforethewedding. 哦,天呐,好吧,这大概发生在婚礼前半个小时。 Rachel:Iwasintheroomwherewewerekeepingallthepresents,andIwa slookingatthisgravyboat. 我当时在放置礼品的房间里。我正看着那个船形卤肉盘。 Rachel:ThisreallygorgeousLimogesgravyboat.WhenallofasuddenIr...
Janice: Oh my God. You listen to me, Chandler, you listen to me. One of these times is just gonna be your last chance with me. (She runs off) (Ross is still taking photos) Chandler: Oh, will you give me the thing. (Snatches the camera) (David is feeding Phoebe popcorn. Max wa...
pulls off some honest-to-god scary monsters mutant funk while "chinese sleep chant" is a shoegaze excursion as traceable as it is passable. arcade fire producer markus dravs' touch can be heard on the strung-out anthem "viva la vida", its "woah oh oh!" refrain already responsible for ...