OK, well if you have friends in high places it has nothing to do with their physical location – they are people you know who are powerful and in an important position and are able to help you. Feifei 啊,原来如此。表达“friends in high places”的意思是“身居高位并愿意用自己的影响力帮...
OK, well if you have friends in high places it has nothing to do with their physical location – they are people you know who are powerful and in an important position and are able to help you. Feifei 啊,原来...
friends in high places是什么意思 势力很大的朋友,强大的靠山 friends in high places英英释义 noun phrase people a person knows who have social or political influence or power She got the job because she has friends in high places. noun phrase ...
friends in high places 高处的朋友;身居高位的朋友;有势力的朋友。该语源于《圣经·旧约·撒母耳下》(Bible, Old Testament, 2 Samuel)第1章第25节。约拿单(Jonathan)是以色列王扫罗(Saul)的长子和王位继承人,他胆识过人,善于用兵。当后来接替扫罗成为以色列王的大卫(David)还是一介草民时,他他就与大卫一见...
摘要:常言道:出门靠朋友。广交朋友固然是好事情,但英语表达“friends in high places 高处的朋友”所描述的是什么?节目中,Rob 和菲菲举例讲解。地道英语 Friends in high places “高处有朋友”Play video file [图片来源:Getty Images] 内容简介 常言道:出门靠朋友。广交朋友固然是好事情,但英语表达“friends in...
常言道:出门靠朋友。广交朋友固然是好事情,但英语表达“friends in high places 高处的朋友”所描述的是什么?节目中,Rob 和菲菲举例讲解。 Feifei 大家好,欢迎来到 BBC 英语教学的《地道英语》节目。我是冯菲菲。 Rob …you are and I'm Rob. Feifei ...
OK, well if you have friends in high places it has nothing to do with their physical location – they are people you know who are powerful and in an important position and are able to help you. 啊,原来如此。表达“friends in high places”的意思是“身居高位并愿意用自己的影响力帮朋友一把...
词汇have friends in high places 释义 Idiom ‘How did he get promoted so quickly?’‘Oh, he has friends in high places.’ 时代网英语在线翻译词典收录了323754条英语词汇在线翻译词条,基本涵盖了全部常用英语词汇的中英文双语翻译及用法,是英语学习的有利工具。
have friends in high places To have favor with powerful people who can help one to get or do what one wants. She must have friends in high places because she is definitely unqualified for that job. I'm not too worried about this charge against me—I have friends in high places. See ...
网络释义 1. 有路子 翻译词汇库 ... ... 游乐场过山车 roller coaster 有路子 have friends in high places 邮票面值 face value of a postage stamp ... brand.yeshj.com|基于37个网页 例句 释义: 全部,有路子 更多例句筛选 1. It helps to have friends in high places, and that has surely helped...