Objective To investigate the impact of demographic factors (patients' age and sex) and of the mode of administration of a national patient experience questionnaire in England: the NHS Friends and Family Test.Sizmur, SteveGraham, ChrisWalsh, Joan...
Influence of patients' age and sex and the mode of administration on results from the NHS Friends and Family Test of patient experience. To investigate the impact of demographic factors (patients' age and sex) and of the mode of administration of a national patient experience questionnaire i.....
(patients' age and sex) and of the mode of administration of a national patient experience questionnaire in England: the NHS Friends and Family Test.Secondary analysis of April-August 2013 data collected using a mixed mode approach from 38,998 inpatients and 29,610 emergency department attendees ...
received?') and the Friends and Family Test ('FFT': 'Would you recommend this hospital to your friends and family?') were explored: age, gender, disease type, admission type (emergency medical; emergency surgery; elective surgery) and health state at the time of questionnaire completion (EQ...