The friendliest countries in the world include Ireland and Fiji, view the full top list as voted for by you in the Readers' Choice Awards.
Feeling appreciated by the people of your destination can help you forget long flights, stomach complaints and all of the other horrors of journeying abroad. But the most welcoming countries aren’t necessarily what you’d expect. The friendliest countries in the world will help you plan your n...
Facebook Google + THE ARTICLE From A new report shows which are the friendliest countries in the world...
When travelling to a new place, nothing stirs your soul like receiving a warm welcome. But what are the friendliest countries in the world? Hundreds of Rough Guides' readers recently answered that very question. And the results of our survey, counting down from the tenth to the most friendlie...
For more insight into where our readers received wonderfully warm welcomes, find out where you voted thefriendliest countries in the world. What are the world's friendliest cities? 5. London Praised for its “straightforward, friendly people”, and vibrant “hustle and bustle”, good oldLondonwas...
89 Countries Canada #1 in Friendly #4 in Best Countries Overall Canada takes up about two-fifths of the North American continent, making it the second-largest country in the world after Russia. The country is sparsely populated, with most of its 35.5 million residents living within 125 miles ...
About 77,000 readers took part in the vote. The travel magazine chose thereaders from different countries. The readers decided the result of the vote.Do you want to know the result? The readers chose Sydney as the world'sfriendliest city in this vote, The magazine said there was “nothing...
The vote was organized by a travel magazine Conde Nast Traveler. About 77 000 readers took part in the vote. The travel magazine chose the readers from different countries. The readers decided the result of the vote.Do you want to know the result? The readers chose Sydney as the world's...
But in foreign countries, some people may not have the ___ of drinking hot water, so they find it is interesting that many Chinese like ___ a cup with hot water in it. Next time when you go to a friend’s ___ in America, don’t be surprised (惊讶) if he give you a cup of...
4. We are naive in terms of caring about what is happening in other countries (blame the media) Reply Reply Well I have been in Japan for 1 1/2 months and travelled around a lot. In Tsuruoka I found the nicest people who were happy to help you when you ask for help or even if ...