"Diana, take Anne out into the garden and show her your flowers."Outside in the garden, stood Anne and Diana, looking 12 at each other over a cluster of bluebells.Anne said at last, almost in a whisper, "Diana, do you think you can like me a little- 13 to be my bosom friend?
Define bosom friend. bosom friend synonyms, bosom friend pronunciation, bosom friend translation, English dictionary definition of bosom friend. bosom friend. Translations. English: bosom friend n amico/a del cuore. Italian / Italiano: amico/a del cuore.
Here is the topic: Bosom Friend - Idiom Of The Day with meaning and examples to understand it in a better manner.
An intimate friend. This turn of phrase for denoting a very dear associate is found in both the Old and New Testaments. Nathan says it “lay in his bosom and was unto him as a daughter” (2 Samuel 12:3), and in the Gospel of St. John, John, often called the “beloved disciple,...
bosom friend / buddy / pal: very close friend 密友,知己,心腹之交 bosom/ ˈbʊzəm / adj. (of a friend ) very close or intimate (朋友)亲密的,知心的 A bosom buddyis a friend who you know very well and like very much. 知心的 They were bosom buddies. 他们曾是知心的伙伴。 Th...
1英语翻译Season of mists and mellow fruitfulness!Close bosom-friend of the maturing sun;Conspiring with him how to load and blessWith fruit the vines that round the thatch-eaves run;To bend with apples the mossed cottage-trees,And fill all fruit with ripeness to the core;To swell the gourd...
a bosom friend;a confidant;a sworn friend 第3段中丹麦工商部长在讲话中说到丹麦是世界上最干净,最有秩序的国家,没有污染,没有犯罪与贫穷等等,作者并没有直接地表达自己的态度,而是列举了一些与该部长谈话相反的社会现象,如:“若看到一些脏乱的场面,如建筑物上的乱涂乱画,街沟里破烂的啤酒瓶以及睡在公园里的...
3. bosom(heart, soul): bosomfig cœurm tobeinthebosomofone'sfamily/ofthecommunity êtreauseindesafamille/delacommunauté totakesbtoone'sbosom seprendred'affectionpourqn I.friend[GBfrɛnd,Amfrɛnd]SUBST 1. friend(person one likes): ...
4.One who supports, sympathizes with, or patronizes a group, cause, or movement:friends of the clean air movement. 5.FriendA member of the Society of Friends; a Quaker. tr.v.friend·ed,friend·ing,friends 1.InformalTo add (someone) as a friend on a social networking website. ...
Karry, this is my bosom friend, Molly. 凯丽,这是我的闺蜜,茉莉。 “男闺蜜”又怎样表达? 每当我们说到闺蜜,都会不由自主的想到女生之间的友谊。可是现在不少女孩子身边,都会有异性闺蜜;他们统称是男闺蜜! 男闺蜜换句话说,也就是蓝颜知己。而老外在日常生活中会这样表达男闺蜜: ...