friend class-name;Example of Friend Class in C++# include<iostream.h> class student { int rno; char name[10]; friend Marks; }; class Marks { int sub1,sub2; student stud; public: void read_marks() { cout<<”\n Input rno”; cin>>stud.rno; cout<<”\n Input Name; cin>>stud.n...
But what's the point of friend functions. In the above example, we could have made "display" as a member function of the class instead of declaring it as a friend function to the class. Why do we need friend functions? A friend function can be friendly to 2 or more classes. The fri...
What is principle of friendship in the context of functions and classes? reshma on August 10th, 2013: can any1 give me a pgm fo class private data modifying with a friend function keerthana on September 25th, 2013: hey guys…i cant get the difference b/w friend function and friend cl...
Inside a class, you can indicate that other classes (or simply functions) will have direct access to protected and private members of the class. When granting access to a class, you must specify that the access is granted for a class using the friend keyword: 1 friend class aClass; ...
In this tutorial, we will learn to create friend functions and friend classes in C++ with the help of examples. Friend function allows us to access private class members from the outer class.
In response, the friend functions and friend classes can access the private data members. The syntax of friendship is below. class ABC { ... friend class XYZ; friend int change_data_member(int, char); ... Class ABC declares class XYZ as a friend in line#3. Line#4 shows the syntax...
Share friend function between classes : friend function « Class « C++ TutorialC++ Tutorial Class friend function#include<iostream.h> class MyClassB; class MyClassA { char *name; public: MyClassA(char *s){name=s;} friend void print(MyClassA &,MyClassB &); }; class MyClassB { ...
C++ Friend Functions - A friend function of a class is defined outside that class scope but it has the right to access all private and protected members of the class. Even though the prototypes for friend functions appear in the class definition, friends
Class member functions can be declared as friends in other classes. Consider the following example:C++ Copy // classes_as_friends1.cpp // compile with: /c class B; class A { public: int Func1( B& b ); private: int Func2( B& b ); }; class B { private: int _b; // A::...
The friend keyword allows a function or class to gain access to the private and protected members of a class. You can declare friend functions or friend classes to access not only public members but also protected and private class members....