Nietzsche's idea of a day in a life repeating itself again, and again, and again was written at the end of the Book IV of "The Gay Science" (1887). It is used in the film 'Groundhog Day (1993)'. Nietzsche listed laughter and humor as vital qualities of being a superman. He onl...
"Robertson’s Friedrich Nietzsche is destined to become the best short introduction to the life and writings of the philosopher. Robertson is not a Nietzsche apologist; he faces squarely and honestly Nietzsche’s shortcomings. . . . But at the same time he recognizes Nietzsche’s importance for...
Friedrich Nietzsche and the Anarchist Tradition John Moore (ed) with Spencer Sunshine Autonomedia 2005 ISBN 1-57027-121-6, 151 pages, paperback $14.95 This book opens with a tribute by Jonathan Purkis to its editor John Moore, whose tragically early ...
Learn about Friedrich Nietzsche. View his philosophy on nihilism. Discover his philosophy, books such as ~'Will to Power,~' and life as a German...
Philosopher, educator, and prolific writer Friedrich Nietzsche (1844–1900) was a critic of nineteenth-century German culture and, concomitantly, the educational system of the time.Informed by contemporaries such as Schopenhauer and Wagner, as well as the earlier writings of Aristotle, Nietzsche saw ...
Discover the Top 500 Friedrich Nietzsche Quotes, as voted by QuoteFancy readers. Updated February 2025. Download free, high-quality (4K) pictures and wallpapers featuring the best Friedrich Nietzsche Quotes.
In 1886 Nietzsche printed Beyond Good and Evil at his own expense. With this book and with the appearance in 1886Ð1887 of second editions of his earlier works (The Birth of Tragedy, Human, All Too Human, Daybreak, and The Gay Science), he saw his work completed for the time and ho...
Herr Bulcke hatte den That-bestand an Ort und Stelle untersucht, hatte der Leichenfeier für Nietzsche beigewohnt und theilte die Ergebnisse des Localaugen-scheins in dithyrambischen Wippdien mit; er rühmte die Buschigkeit des Schnurbartes, den Nietzsche getragen, die Größe der H...
Philosopher, educator, and prolific writer Friedrich Nietzsche (1844–1900) was a critic of nineteenth-century German culture and, concomitantly, the educational system of the time. Informed by contemporaries such as Schopenhauer and Wagner, as well as t
to Nietzsche’s sense of adventure. Nietzsche was so taken by Wagner that he decided his first book would be a tribute to Wagner’s music. Unfortunately, the writing of this work was delayed by war in 1870, when Germany and France