strongLewisacidcatalyst.Friedel–Craftsacylationisalsopossiblewithacidanhydrides. ReactionconditionsaresimilartotheFriedel–Craftsalkylationmentionedabove.This reactionhasseveraladvantagesoverthealkylationreaction.Duetotheelectron- withdrawingeffectofthecarbonylgroup,theketoneproductisalwayslessreactivethan ...
In addition, it was hypothesized that the NMR would prove as an adequate tool to characterize the order of the reactions. In this experiment, we experimented with four reactions: toluene and ethylbromide (alkylation); toluene and acetic anhydride (acylation); bromobenzene and ethylbromide (...
What product(s) would you expect from the sulfonation of the following compounds? (a) Nitrobenzene (b) Bromobenzene (c) Toluene (d) Benzoic acid (e) Benzonitrile With the following compound, write the structural formula for the product from Friedel-C...
The venerable Friedel-Crafts reaction appends alkyl or acyl groups to aromatic rings through alkyl or acyl cation equivalents typically generated by Lewis acids. We show that phenyl cation equivalents, generated from otherwise unreactive aryl fluorides, allow extension of the Friedel-Crafts reaction to...
Aluminium chloride-catalysed acylations and alkylations of monohalogenobenzenes with cinnamoyl chloride has been studied. Under strictly homogeneous conditions, alkylation was increasingly favoured relative to acylation as the primary reaction along the series: benzene <fluorobenzene<bromobenzene<chlorobenzene....