Friedel–Crafts reaction Friedel–Craftsreaction Li_jiagen Outline •一、Friedel-CraftsAlkylation•1、Friedel-CraftsAlkylation反应背景•2、Friedel-CraftsAlkylation反应机理•3、Friedel-CraftsAlkylation反应特点•4、Friedel-CraftsAlkylation反应应用•二、Friedel-CraftsAcylation•1、Friedel-CraftsAcylation反应...
FriedelandJamesCraftsin1877toattachsubstituentstoanaromaticring.[1]Thereare twomaintypesofFriedel–Craftsreactions:alkylationreactionsandacylationreactions. Bothproceedbyelectrophilicaromaticsubstitution.Thegeneralreactionschemeis shownbelow. Severalreviewshavebeenwritten.[2][3][4][5] ...
Friedel Crafts Acylation have several advantages over Friedel Craft Alkylation. These advantages include a better control over the reaction products and also the acylium cation is stabilized by resonance so no chances of rearrangement. Using Clemmensen reduction, the ketones made can be reduced to alky...
Ionic Liquid as a Green Catalyst and Solvent Media for Friedel-Craft Acylation ReactionIonic liquids, being composed entirely of ions, their lack of measurable vapor pressure characterizes them as green solvents, and that a wide range of chemical reactions can be performed in them. Friedel-Crafts ...
关键词:沸石分子筛;酰化试剂;2.乙酰噻吩;催化活性;固定床反应器;精馏提纯 中图分类号:TQ251.2 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1004—9533(2014)02—0001一O6 Friedel-CraftsAcylationReactionofThiophene TongTianxia,ChenZhihua,YangLijuan,JiaPeng~i,ChengJing,ZengAiwu (1.StateKeyLaboratoryofChemicalEngineering,TianjinUnive...
Friedel-Crafts Reaction (redirected fromFriedel-Crafts acylation) Friedel-Crafts reaction [frē¦del ′krafs rē‚ak·shən] (organic chemistry) A substitution reaction, catalyzed by aluminum chloride in which an alkyl (R‒) or an acyl (RCO‒) group replaces a hydrogen atom of an aro...
the Friedel-Crafts reaction has been extended to include a range of compounds resulting from the alkylation or acylation of aliphatic hydrocarbons containing double bonds. Thus, the Friedel-Crafts alkylation reaction has proven value to the synthesis of a broad range of important polymers via polyme...
1.Effect of nitrobenzene on preparation of carboxyl polystyrene by Friedel-Crafts acylation reaction;硝基苯对傅克酰基化反应制备羧基化聚苯乙烯的影响 2.Carboxylic crosslinked polystyrene(PS-COOH) microsphere has been prepared by Friedel-Crafts acylation with phthalic anhydride.选用邻苯二甲酸酐以傅克酰基化反...
A distinction is made between completely reversible reaction (equilibrium reaction) denoted by and reaction, both directions denoted by . Reaction, both direction is considered reversible reaction, not completely reversible reaction. Gore's 1955 proposition that Friedel–Craft acylation of reactive ...
Friedel–craft N‐alkylation and N‐acylation of acrylamide: A novel approach for synthesis of alkylacrylamides N -Alkylacrylamides and N -acylacrylamides were synthesized by a novel synthetic approach, namely, the Friedel–Craft reaction of acrylamide with alkyl chl... BS Lele,MA Gore,MG Kulka...