在德国和许多其他国家,中小学生们要求政界尽快采取行动应对气候变化。 Allein in Berlingingenam 29. März etwa 20.000 überwiegend junge Menschenfür eine„Fridays for Future“-Kundgebung auf die Straße– der bisherige Höhepunkt der...
Leading the strike in Berlin. Credit: Jörg Carstensen / picture alliance via Getty Images This is the first worldwide in-person climate strike since the beginning of the pandemic — the Fridays for Future movement has encouraged online protests during this time instead. Friday's strikes have ...
Quang Anh Paasch könnte zufrieden sein. Der Sprecher von Fridays for Future Berlin steht am Brandenburger Tor vor einer Kamera und gibt ein Interview nach dem anderen. Der Regen hat gerade aufgehört, hinter ihm dröhnt Musik von der Bühne und auf der nassen Straße sitzen Tausende D...
Diffusion dynamics and digital movement: The emergence and proliferation of the German-speaking #FridaysForFuture network on TwitterDiffusion is a long-established concept that deals with the mechanisms explaining the prevalence of social movements. However, previous empirical studies on digital movement ...
Shatom1 Berlin29 contributions 0 Great food and service at a reasonable price Oct 2018 • couples We were traveling and stopped by on our way. Enjoyed ! Our sever guided us to specials for what we ordered and saved us $$. Written October 18, 2018 This review is the subjective ...
SaturdayNovember 9 is the 35th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall, which enclosed West Berlin from 1961 to 1989 to prevent East Germans from fleeing to the West. It became a symbol of East/West relations during the Cold War. ...