Jason is back! Jason Voorhees is unleashed and stalking the grounds of Camp Crystal Lake! Take on the role as Jason Voorhees and Camp Crystal Lake counselors. This is the game you’ve been waiting for; the chance to kill or be killed on Friday the 13th!
Friday the 13th: The Game Gun Media•Action et aventure•Autres• 40 11 Langues prises en chargeNON DISPONIBLE SÉPARÉMENTPEGI 18 Violence extrême, Langage ordurier Interactivité des utilisateurs, Achats intra-jeu + offre des achats dans l'application. Le jeu nécessite une souscript...
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Official website for Friday the 13th the Game. See what we're working on, read patch notes, view future content, and more.
半夜不睡觉 - Friday the 13th The Game(十三号星期五)丨哇!我第一次当杰森!好 猜你喜欢 雷震子-天天玩枪太伤身,来看看尼尔小姐姐的cos,缓解下腾讯音乐娱乐集团 腾讯音乐人 酷狗音乐人 音乐推 5sing原创音乐 听歌识曲 歌叽歌叽 关于酷狗 商务合作 广告服务 投诉指引 隐私政策 儿童隐私政策 ...
Jason is back! Jason Voorhees is unleashed and stalking the grounds of Camp Crystal Lake! Friday the 13th: The Game is one of the most highly-anticipated horror titles of all time. You will finally be able to take on the role as Jason Voorhees and Camp C
游戏名:Friday the 13th: The Game / SplatterHouse 中文名:十三号星期五 / 十三号星期五:杀手谜题 / 腐尸之屋发售平台:NES / PS4 / PC STEAM / IOS / 安卓 / PC Engine / MD 发售公司:Gun Meidia / Gun Int...
Friday the 13th: The Game: Randy Greenback द्वारा निर्देशित. Kane Hodder, Thom Mathews, Jennifer Ann Burton, Kristina Klebe के साथ. Friday the 13th: The Game is a semi-open world third-person su
Steve Buscemi Interview: Sabrina Greco – Lockjaw (Work in Progress) 12/28/2024 by Eric Lavallée IONCINEMA.com “It’s over for Happy”: “Former No. 1 Golfer in the World” Has a Sad News for Happy Gilmore Fans After Watching Adam Sandler’s Golf Skills ...
十三号星期五杀手谜题中文版不同于电影的恐怖风格,本作采用卡通画面,使用砍刀、鱼叉、手机等道具,杀掉关卡中的所有受害者。玩家要控制有点萌的杀手杰森·沃赫斯,杀掉游戏中的受害者们。游戏内容丰富多样,剧情紧张刺激。 游戏特点 游戏的场景多样,从水晶湖的露营地到曼哈顿的高层建筑,又从戒备森严的监狱到白雪皑皑的...